Happy New Year!

The last gingerbread. Today, the first of january 2012, we'll eat it. One piece for everybody.
Christmas is over. Quiet and peaceful, good food and good drinks.
Julias 22nd birthday is also absolved. Quiet and peaceful. This years cake was a carrotcake with macadamia cream and a creamcheese icing. Quite good, if I may say it myself..... Not very spectacular though, ecept for the cakefirework.

New years eve, we spent at home, as usual. With cheese fondue, as usual. And "Dinner for one" on TV, as usual.
We played cards and Emil did'nt fall asleep. That's definitely NOT usual :-)
Well, I wish all readers a great new year, but now I'm off for the pist. Only one lesson today. Tonight we all participate at the yearly new year torch skiing, from the top of "Emil's mountain". Unless it's raining or storming.....

Postat av: M
In estonian you say: kakskendkaks - viimane taks. It means 22 is last chance (to get married). Fortunately it's not up to date anymore, so Julia shouldn't worry too much. Just à little bit. :D
And her birthday cake looks delicious! Do carrot make it healthier and not fattening? :)
You all look very good in front of the xmas tree, happy new year to you!!!
Ps. Someone in our family who ALWAYS falls asleep on sofa (and LISTENS the fireworks), was totally awake this time. Huge surprise to the rest of us. Maybe it was smth special in the air this new year's eve? ( or maybe just less wine than previous times... :D)