Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow......

We got loads of snow during the last week, more coming down. Great for skiing and not too bad for riding. In fact great for everything, as long as you don't have to go anywhere by car. Like to Innsbruck, this afternoon. Julia and Niki have to get back to "school". Many roads are blocked by fallen trees...... hmmmmm - maybe I should take some coffee and sandwiches with me, for the trip today?!?!
Had a lot of work christmas/new year. Skied non-stop from 9.30 to 16.00 everyday (except 1/1). Today I only have two lessons and maybe coming week will be calmer. Probably! Though I don't mind working all day :-)
Postat av: M
Looks like a fairytale!!! And Julia is like a princess (on white horse) ready to meet her love and escape (because Tuttan the queen doesnt approve the poor handsome horseboy...) :D
Postat av: Limi
o det va inte sant o det va inte sant, för snön den varar nog till påska...