Nu är glada julen slut, slut, slut...

... julegranen akte ut, ut, ut.
 It's about the same amount of work and effort demanded putting up a christmastree as to throw it out and clean up after christmas. I had millions and billions of treeneedles on the floor, instead of on the tree, when we were ready with it. But it was a big tree (a threetree) with a big fat foot - look

Linda and Florian came last monday and stayed over night. This years first guests :-) Hope to get more!

I think they envy us a bit for our snow. And the mountains we have the snow on :-)
Some mountains are even pure snow

Niki and Pontiac on top of Mount Front Lawn 1126 over the sea. Today, sunday 15th of january.
It got cold, since last week. As I got back from Innsbruck, earlier this evening, the car showed 17,5  Celsius below. Great weather for Schneemil to make snow. Saturday he was at work for 20 hours. Today he had the day off, and has only been gone for about 6 hours, till now. But he isn't at home yet....... 

Postat av: M

Cold in Budapest also, -1 this morning.... Brrrrrr... I was already about to switch myself into spring mode. Well, maybe next week then. :) the couple from Munchen looks very happy! Must be the influence of nice austrian breakfast... Or snow on your mountains... Or both. :)

Greetings to hard-working Emil!

2012-01-16 @ 14:09:51
Postat av: Linda

Thank you for letting us stay over!!! 5 star service at the Lechleitmer Bed&Breakfast! :)

2012-01-16 @ 16:25:15
Postat av: Limi

Never saw a x-mas tre "foot" like that. Not even in Hungary... :-)

2012-01-19 @ 19:31:18
Postat av: Tuttan

What doesn't fit you have to MAKE fit (referring to the tree)

2012-01-20 @ 16:37:19

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