Kurlaubsblogg IX

(For Julia: as I wrote #V twice I skip #VIII :-)
Tomorrow is the last day! Hurray! Wednesday morning Emils comes and picks me up. I had a funny thought the other day; I haven't been into a car for three weeks. Isn't that amazing?!?! Can't imagine that ever happened in my life before!
End of last week we had a some rain (I love the smell of early springrain!) and some thunder. Made some minor biketours, had a new innertube put in at the bikestore, because the old one had a tiny hole, apparantly, that couldn't be found. After that more biking. Sunday I went to CZ again. About 35 km. The nature is wonderful, somewhat "swedish", but the one little village I passed was terrible. Would rather life under a bridge in Paris, then there. If those former "eastcountries" ever will get rid of that image. "East ist east, and west is west - and never the twain shall meet". I think it was Rudyard Kipling who said that, but seem to refer shorter distances than that between the occident and the orient, as well......
Since sunday we have sunny weather but the wind is pretty cold. Today I was very busy, her in the hotel, with training, massages etc. Busy is good, makes time go faster. Spent some time on the sundeck and went for a walk in the forest before supper. Tomorrow I have the afternoon off, so I'll go for a last biketour. I never had a boring day here, but still, now I really feel it's time to get back home.

Postat av: Limi

in Budapest I must say East is pretty West... :-)

2012-03-28 @ 18:33:28
URL: http://limi.blogg.se/
Postat av: Tuttan

On the outskirts too???

2012-04-06 @ 21:11:57

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