
The last insert was on february 12. What have I been doing the last couple of weeks? I guess a lot of important things. Like eating out with good friends, drinking afterwork beer in the skischool, treat sick familymembers,climb the mountain with skis (randonnée, that's right?) to have another beer, having guests, beeing lazy watching TV, doing my everyeveninggymnastics and so on. And I worked a lot. Most days 6 or 7 hours. And it was sooooo cold. Brrrr. WAS! Because now it's sooooo warm and the snow is melting. You can hear it melt, but till now you can't really see any difference. It's just so much of that white stuff. Today I found those white little hairy willowbuds (videung) for the first time this year. That means spring; snow or no snow!
The last snow came with a blizzard on feb.15. We all had a day off. Julia and Niki were teaching ski in their lecture free time, in february. Niki taught cross-country, for the first time, and enjoyed it more than "alpine" kids.
Hope this snowmountain will rather shrink than grow, now.

Unfortunately we never got to visit Uffe & Co in Ischgl, this year. Beacause it was the busiest week of the year, and we could impossibly get a day off, all of us. But then Niki and Julia turned ill and sick - .......and had to stay home from work anyhow!
Luckily niece Kajsa, with Willem and Selma had decided to stay over night on their way from the Netherlands to Ischgl, so at last (and least) we met them. We never met Willem and Selma before.

Nephew Victor, with Anna, intended to drive through from Sweden to Ischgl. Unluckily for them, luckily for us, they got stuck in the traffic in Reutte on Saturday evening, so we after a short phoneconference they decided to make a detour to Tannheim (25 km) to stay over night and then go on next morning on empty roads.
Victor and Kajsa haven't been here since Emy died, I think. So this year all three of them were here already :-) Linda, Kajsa, Victor. Nieces Hilda, Maja and Marleen were here last summer :-)

Last Tuesday we did it! We left work. All four of us. For a one day substitute ski holiday in Sölden.
Julia and Niki at Gaislachkogel top station on 3040 m. Julia is, by the way, very satisfied with her new Salomon skis.


Postat av: Limil

who was ill and who was sick? Which has the worst symptoms???? .-)))

2012-03-02 @ 19:18:08
URL: http://limi.blogg.se/
Postat av: Tuttan

Julia and Niki were sick and ill, Emil only ill. Niki won; filled half a bucket!

2012-03-03 @ 16:49:33

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