I'm baking

Yepp, that's what I'm doing right now. And I drink tea. Sweet Chai Tea. Lots of aromas, probably no tea, but good. French is, by the way the only language (that I know) that has got an own wörd for tea without tealeaves in it: infusion. That's a good thing. It's cold, although everything is green again. Yesterday it looked like in the middle of the winter. Felt like it too! Tomorrow we  may expect 27° degrees C according to the weatherforcast.
Yesterday was a holyday. Kristi Flygare. We installed the flowerirrigationsystem we bought on wednesday. That was the day all that white stuff came down from the sky and we were not sure at all if we would do it all the way up home again, with our summertyres. Excitement in a less pleasant way. But we made it home without incidents. Some didn't - the ones standing wrong way round or in the ditches.......
Emil has, more or less, finished our new Friggebod, this weeek; it has got walls and a roof. And a floor. That's what one mainly need to keep things dry :-)
Cookies are ready! Brownies and dreamies. MMmmmm.
I haven't been trying very hard with the photo-part on this new laptop, I'm afraid. I do like to work with a computer as long everything just work, like always. I definitely do not like to change and install things, and things I do not like to do takes a little longer....... :-) (That's the part about prioryties, I guess?!)


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