Pre-summer back
It's saturday evening. I sit in front of the house, glas of red wine next to me, birds singing. Niki is on night duty at the ambulance station, Julia will soon leave for a school class meeting. A cat is keeping me company, the dog just left for nextdoor, to check if Emil is still there. For those, who don't know our next door; it's a Gasthouse, one could say pub. A villagepub. Next door :-) Who's got that? Emil has been out fixing the road to Usseralpe today, together with, at least one person from each house (the houses thus have been here since "ever). It's called agrargemeinde, the rural community, of Schmieden. There are mostly 2 day you have to do some kind of work every year. Well, afer working together comes drinking beer together. That's the logical order :-)
I've been moving pots and plants today, as well as mending some favourite clothes and shearing a sheep. Maresi, the last one, that got the lamb the other day. I think she was happy to get rid of her winterfur now. But she was surely aswell glad to have it the last couple of days.....
Julia and I went for a bikeride today. We were out on a special mission :-))) Business, one might call it.
The cookies I made yesterday, are almost all gone. Tomorrow you won't find a crumble. But that what cookies are for - to be eaten!
Postat av: M
Happy 21 to Niki!!! :) cant wait to see his fabulous cake.. :)