Summernight's dream
Actually the evening is faaaar so warm and sunny to sit at a computer and write a blogg - unless you have a laptop :-)))))))))).
Today we have summer. Real summerweather, at least. Yesterday too. Tomorrow we are promised snow in the mountains. If you live in the alps, you have to cope with fast weatherchanges. Store hotpants next to gloves and wollen hood. Never gets boring.
Today we enjoyed the summer with a bike tour. Mountain bike. Yesterday we took our bikes (yes OUR BIKES), the motorized ones, on a virgin trip. Legal, with registration plates. Our bikesS, because we kept the old XT and gave it it's own numberplates (instead of changing with the BMW, what's legal but you can only drive with one at the time; Wechselnummer); BI 53 and BI 54. So Emil and I drove away, each with it's on bike. Me on the old one, of course...... (but I have tested the new one too, of course!!!!) We left the XT in a garage, though, for service, beacaus it should bring me to Andorra, and back, in September! We have decided to go with two bikes :-))))))
Well, Julia and Niki come home from Innsbruck, this afternoon, now we've just finished our BBQ afternoon. I'm still at beerdrinking, Julia's wathing icehockey WM, Niki left with the MTB, Emil's hammering at the friggebod. Very idyllic. So here I am, with my new laptip on top of my lap, sitting on my freshly painted front porch bench(es). Red, this time. Last time they were green.
By the way, Julia found out, the dentist pulled out all 4 wisdomteeth, not only three, as she believed. Seems she lost conrol after the first three. Who wonders???? But she looks normal again, not any longer as Miss Nixon. And she can eat MEAT again.
Tomorrow I'll give it a try with the photgraphies, in my blogg.
My new e-mail: [email protected]
Postat av: Limi
Andorra sounds nice and adventurous... :-)