I'm still alive! But the old computer is dead. So is my Outlook Express :-( I've got a new nice laptop here, and I'm trying to figure out how to find to all my old stuff and maybe get my self a new e-mail adress. If it doesn't work I'll ask Manfred, my computerguy - but first I want to try alone!
All the snow is gone now. So is our blue bird Sunny:-( Maybe he turns up tomorrow, again, when he gets hungry..... As long he hasn't got eaton by some other hungry animal......
I'not really in the mood of writing, rihgt now. I'm frustrated by the loss of my e-mails! I think I'll give Manfred a call, after all, hmmmmm.....
Postat av: Limi
the solution is called; safety copy... :-)))
Postat av: M
Good luck with Manfred! (a computer guy who's name is Manfred doesnt sound very promising though :D)