
October 26 in 1955 the new Austrian republic signed a treaty for everlasting neutrality and the leftover soldiers of WW II left. That's the shortversion. If it's a wrong shortversion I'm sure Niki will write a comment with correct informations :-)
Tomorrow we are expecting snow. Real snow, all the way down to the doorstep. So today Julia and I are removing fences and balcony flowers. Yesterday we fenced the sheep to a barn, where they have a good shelter. And we changed to wintertyres. We are ready! The winter may come. But I do hope only for a short visit, because to my opinion it's faaaaar to early for snow and freezing colds.
This week I got a phone call from Jungbrunn. They offered me a job. They need someone to help out in their shop "Wally's G'wand". They sell Landhausmode. Country-, alpstyle-, tradiotional fashion. And kitschige accessoirs. I said yes, let's give it a try. Money is money! So this afternoon I'll give it a try. Or - they will try me :-)
What on earth shall I wear? To be honest, I have my doubts, but it might be an interesting experience:-))))) Anyhow - it's a good feeling to be offered a job out of the blue.

I'll report.
If these (above seen) letters should prove to be a picture, it show the bottom of Höttingergasse (the dark gap) in Innsbruck. Where Julias and Nikis flat is situated.


Postat av: Niki

That's absolutely correct mother, and on the 15th of May 1955 Austria's state treaty was signed (as some little extra information for some very nerdy history guys :P)

2012-10-29 @ 14:44:40
Postat av: M the nerdy

Appreciate it, Niki! :D
Tuttan, how is the new job? And the most important, what did you wear on the 1st day and did it turn out appropriate enough? And how much have you managed to sell so far?
In any case, good luck with everything! :)

2012-11-04 @ 22:58:21

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