Some pictures

Let's start with today. Yes ! Really today, october 23rd.
Time to get the leaves together - on saturday it's supposed to snow. Hard to believe, but probably true. Likely it's going to get green for a while again - at least down in the valley.
Sunday the 14th Julia participated on an orientionride (swenglish???) together with some other Tannheimer.
Me on my birthdaybridge. Me looking down from my birthdaybridge.
Emil has got a cold, but he will survive. I'm sure. I've started with poweryoga. Thursday evenings in Reutte. Fun, and definitely with power. Last sunday, i went mountainbiking. Lohmoos, a standardtour, so to say. First up, the down. I guess the good bike will stay in the garage now, until next spring. Will that take long????? T.


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