A special day in November

It's some time ago now, but, still, it was a specia and nice day. Niki came home from Glasgow, extra, for it.
Seems hungry, poor boy.Just arrived at the home-fridge and wiped out the leftovers of Emils birthdaycake in a jiffy. Now to the main event - the graduation ceremony
Then they were supposed to sing - what: of course, nobody did :-)
The social part was probably the best part - at least it took the longest time
Emil, Julia and I went to lunch, and after everybody else had looooong left the small-talk area, Niki followed and we had a real good meal together. So, Niki's got his BSc, Julia is still working at hers. Good kids. I'm very proud of them. T.

Postat av: Limi

Grattis Niki :-))) O vilken skottisk slips :-)))

2013-12-06 @ 18:17:02
Postat av: Linda

Wooow grattis!!!!!!!!

2013-12-13 @ 12:02:19

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