Nothing of very much interest
Days are getting shorter, life kind of slower. This was the carrot crop of the year:
These the beans:
The amount of potatoes and tomatoes was similar. No pumpkins this year, not even a tiny little one. But I bought a bright beautyful one the other day. I'm very happy that I do not have to grow my food, but can go to a store and buy it. A lot easier, but - not as fun as see it growing. IF it grows. Made tomatochutney of the tomatoes; all green and the biggest the size of a golfball. Just perfect for chutney! And we got quite a few berries; goosberries and red currant. And not to forget the honey:-)
Nothing very much exciting been happening lately, except that I saw the bottom of the "to-iron-basket" for the first time since I do not know when. Thanx Julia :-)
We had some rainy days and some bright sunny days. Today was one of the latter sort and I had the day off. So had Germany. Tag der deutschen Einheit. The German Reunion Day. The village was crowded, I made the mistake to go to the local store..... - needed red turnip for Pytt i Panna. Maybe I should have grown some?????? But in Schmieden 11 everything was calm, and before all those germans were finished with the breakfast and crowded the valley I went for a long nice "walk" with 2 horses and one dog (of course I sat on one of those horses!). After a sunny lunch I did some paintwork in our almost finished new luxury horsebarn.
Life hasn't to be exciting to be enjoyable. Not always.......... :-)
