Oktober 10,2013

This afternoon at 2 o'clock:
Awful - isn't it?! A few hours later:
Cosy - isn't it?! Saved some flowers today. I had the day off today ( as so many other days :-))))) so I started with some Yoga at Hotel Jungbrunn, where I work in the Boutique, those days I do not have the day off, as you might know. 2 minutes (max) with the bike. As employee you can visit all yoga-, pilates-, tai-chi-classes etc etc. And use their luxury gym. I tried it out today too, for the first time since ages. It was fun! Probably I won't be able to move, tomorrow........ But if, at least a little (well, I HAVE to, have to work tomorrow!) Emil and I intend to go to a vernisage tomorrow. In the village. Lot of famous local artists. I think it will be Emils first vernisage ever and my first since I was a teenager and Emma forced me to accompany her to vernisages in Laholm, where there also where a lot of "famous" local artists, Emy called it "social duties" :-) Julia has got a cold and will stay more one weekend in Innsbruck - because with snow and and a running nose, she couldn't go riding anyhow - so why come home........ :-))))) And she has to study. Niki's doing just fine in Glasgow, and now has some projects going.We skype every other evening. T.


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