More Glasgow
The title of my last insert was Mission Glasgow Completed, well, by a second thought the mission is not yet completed, only part one; getting Niki started. Npw it's up to him to complete his mission. Heja Niki!!!!!!
Somehow I got kicked out, before I finished that last insert. Here are some more impresssions from Glasgow:
Teatime in Peoples Palace.
Yesterday Lasser Herrstedt came by and we went out for a beer and a wee bit to eat and had a good time. He reminds me of "Gubben i Ladan" - pops up suddenly and then he's gone again:-) I like that!
Tomorrow is Alpfahrt. Also known as Almabtrieb (for those who know). That means Emil and I will spend the evening in a huge loud tent together with 95% of Tannheims population.

Mission Glasgow completed
Last Friday the whole family left for Glasgow. Ryan Air from Memmingen to Edinburgh, than citylink bus to Glasgow.
Monday Emil, I and Julia returned and Niki waved us off at the busstation in Glasgow. Glasgow is a nice city, a bit crazy, new-old mix, construction worker in action at every corner, 7 days a week, as it seems.
This is where Niki intends to study and live for the next year. The university of Strathclyde was awarded UK Uni of the Year 2012. Patrick Thomas Court, on the contrary, where Niki has got a tiny room is very well used (VERY) and instead of fixing this and that they have seemingly decided to paint the doors bright and shiny red, in, what I guess, a weak effort to distract newcomers, and keep them from running away.
But the kitchen is large and the fridge new :-)
Here some downtown impressions:

Ready for Glasgow!
We successfully brought all this stuff into 4 x cabinluggage á 10 kg and one checked luggage á 20 kg. Included Emil, Julias and mine weekendstuff and toothbrushes. Puh! I hope Ryan Airs scale at the check-in is conform with ours.....
And Niki got his shoes of desire after all. As well a pair of good running shoes.
Now I'm looking forward to an exciting weekeind in Glasgow. I just have to take Pontiac for a walk, before we leave and fix a little of this and that........

Definitely autumn
Rainy morning but a wonderful sunny afternoon with clear blue sky. Next to the housewall it was almost hot, but a few meters out on the lawn you needed a sweater. The evening was chilly, I had to hold on tight to my glass of wine or it would have gotten to cold. We sat out there until it was almost dark, reflecting the day passed. Chilling might be a "new" suitable word.
Today I made the years first pumpkinsoup, bright and tasty (with coconutmilk, peanutbutter, ginger, orangepeel etc - and homecocked chickensoup as basis - the result is always a surprise :-))
Better be prepared for the heating season!

The summer started through
..... for another week. Not indian summer, no, real summer weather - with lukewarm evenings. And nights and mornings. For shorts and t-shirt. I love that! But now it's seems it's really coming to an end :-( Until it's time for that indian summer, that I love too, with fresh mornings and NO MORE FLIES. I'm getting tired of killin flies.....
Well, one of these wonderful days, we used for a little trip to Ischgl to have a cup of coffee at Idalpe, Emil, Niki and I.
Check it out! Idalpe in summer. Worth a visit! Absolutely!

By next sunday, by the way, this little boy should be installed in his accommodation in Glasgow :-)