More Glasgow
The title of my last insert was Mission Glasgow Completed, well, by a second thought the mission is not yet completed, only part one; getting Niki started. Npw it's up to him to complete his mission. Heja Niki!!!!!!
Somehow I got kicked out, before I finished that last insert. Here are some more impresssions from Glasgow:
Teatime in Peoples Palace.
Yesterday Lasser Herrstedt came by and we went out for a beer and a wee bit to eat and had a good time. He reminds me of "Gubben i Ladan" - pops up suddenly and then he's gone again:-) I like that!
Tomorrow is Alpfahrt. Also known as Almabtrieb (for those who know). That means Emil and I will spend the evening in a huge loud tent together with 95% of Tannheims population.
