Yesterday (wednesday 12/2) Emil, Julia and I spent in Ischgl. We even spent the night from Tuesday to Wednesday in Ischgl, as Uffe had a spare room in his huge KiWi appartement. We gladly accepted the offer to use it. Thanx! So, we were able to have a glass of wine together, we even got pizza and Lillyfee Muffins. Yummmie!
We, the not allweeklongskiholidayers, went up early in the morning, breakfasted some pizzaleftovers and then left for the freshly prepared pists (without disturbing the real swedes) and took the fist cabin up at 08h30. It was a bit cold ( -13° + strong wind and snow some places) but it was worth it. Empty virgin pists for 2-3 hours :-) The visibility was perfect at all times, but as I said (wrote) it was empty and fresh prepared: no problems. Around 11.00 we had hot chocolate, then we continued skiing wiht those swedish skiholidayers, the Sandberg clan. At this time the sun had found the way through the snowclouds and plenty of skiers the way up to the top. But it was warmer, and thanx to the good weather you could now see the bumps, that were not there in the morning.....
My new skies are great, by the way.
Before we went home (a 2hours drive) we had a beer (non-alcoholic for the driver) at "Nikis Stadl". Same procedure as every year!!!!!
From left to right: Me (so hungry and thirsty I cannot stand straight up, it seems....), Uffe, Julia, Marleen, Maja, Hilda. Linda and Florian joined us later.
75% of the Lechleitners (poor Niki couldn't join us this time - had to stay in Glasgow and "work")
...... and some more of Julia:-)
It was a great day! Thanx everybody!
