
..... I had the intention to write under the title Today, but today Yesterday is more suitable for my insert. I was just tooooo lazy yesterday night. Yesterday we were on skiholiday again, see, Emil and I. All yesterday :-) In Lech- Warth this time. The two areas are now connected by an aerial tram. Just perfect. The skiarea is not as big as Ischgl, but big enough. It's connected to Zürs too. And Stuben - and from there isn't it very far by bus to StAnton. Camilla, Anders, Hilda and Maja came to ski/eat/drink/sunbathe in Lech with us, that very day. That was great. My friend Lillemor, also came to Lech with the bus that day, with the intention to have a fika and a chat, which I intended too, but unfortunately she had hurt her hand, couldn't ski and I didn't make it into the village. I was too timeoptimistic, as so often. Next time, Lillemor:-))))))) Such a skiday is júst toooooo short! As we were finished with skiing we were veeeery hungry, Emil and I, so we stopped for a pizza in Elbigenalp/Lechltal and a beer. Delicious!
Morning coffebreak is veeeery important. We had a great day. Today we were back to work and it'a snowing again. Good. We need that snow. T.

Postat av: linda


2014-03-11 @ 12:09:29

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