Sunday in March

The weather is grey, the temperatures stayed above zero for the second night = MUD, between remaining ice and snow. But at the same time it makes the snow and ice melt 24 hours, instead of 5-6 h when we had -5° C in the mornings. Ski area is still running, until April 6 here in Tannheim, until after Easter in Grän.You can still ski all the way down and on friday Emil told me the pist was in great shape even in the late afternoon. Cross country still possible, but not everywhere. I have more or less finished my skiteaching season as I refuse to teach small kids and the grown ups are rare. Worked only tuesday, last week But I'm quite happy with the situation; went riding 4 days, last week and maybe Emil will let the white one carry him through the forest towards Vilsalpsee. I'd take the Tinker. Emil has a rare sunday off, today see, and Julia stays in Innsbruck over the weekend. So Emil and I have a "sturmfreie Bude" :-)
Some of our more or less woolen animals ( pictures were taken yesterday - I'm getting fast!!!!) T.


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