Busy as bees

Because those bees have really ben keeping us busy the last few day. After a week with rain and snow, our bees started out, like mad, to collect pollen.
 On Sunday Emil and I put an extra honeyroom on each of our two hives and, additionally took some out of the bigger beecommunity to make a new fresh small one, in the hope of keeping them from swarming. As it seems, our bees weren't quite satisfied with our work, and decided to swarm. Yesterday. Beeflashmob!!!!!
Holy smoke!
 At least they were kind enough to land on the fence, instead of a tree, they first aimed at. But it wasn' t so easy to get them into a box, as many of them sat in the long gras. We managed to get a whole bunch of them, though, as it seemed we didn't get the queen. The queen is essential! As the rest gathered higher up on the fence we got that badge in another box. Apparently with the queen this tims, so as we put the queenbox on top of the notqueenbox, so to say, and opened it, all the bees came storming out and crowded at the entrance of the queensbox, anxious to get it. These are only part of the original community, who decided to "move out". The rest, and that's really a LOT, are still in the old hive. These bees get a new hive and tomorrow we take them to Vilsalpsee where they will get a new home with a gorgeous view. Next to the ones we took out the day before. 
It that doesn't make good honey.............
Emil has been on holiday all may long. Working holiday. Always been busy - 
like with
cutting down two trees, next to the drive way and move the rabbits house further down on to the lawn.
This because Emils niece Barbara is going to build a house behind Norberts (Emils brother) house which is situated behind our house. For this purpose the driveway has to be made broader, for the lorries. After the works are finished the driveway gets its original shape again, but probably better. And I wanted to have those trees cut down anyway, They got too big, making too much shadow. So - everybody is happy. I guess Albrecht, the rabbit, too.
Not to get bored, Emil fills out his time with renewing the horsestable.
At least he hasn't have too mow the lawn, but can enjoy his meal as this job is getting done by Hombre, our spanish gardener
I do nothing - I just take pictures :-)


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