Short Message

..... because I'm soooo busy. The weather was grey and wet and cold this week, so I have eventually started to paint the stairway and -rails, towards the attic. Former attic..... -:) Before that cold and wet weather it was rather sunny and warm, Julia was at home, thanks to lecture free Easter time and the sheep wanted to rid of their wintercoats. We all helped together, so it was quickly done, but the cat did not want to help,
Emil is very, very busy too: he's on holiday from today on. Working holiday. All May long. But I think, we'll squeeze some holiday- days out, as well. Work-Life balance, as it is called. Very important thing. This was today's work, by the way<.
The plan is to finish the the horsestablerenewablework, and make the rest as fancy as this part
And tomorrow we're going shopping. At Lions Fleemarket in Reutte. Funnier than is sounds!!!!!! T.


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