Her I am again :-)
But last time I wrote something was in June. Oj oj oj...... What happened to all that time? Bet I had a lot of fun, because it couldn't have been a lot of work, with my 12 hours week....... Ok, there is some work at home too. But somehow work and fun is quite similar. Ain't I lucky!!!!!
But - lets start with now; 2nd advent

As you can see, everthing is is about the same here in "Schwieden". We had some snow, last week (great for riding!) but now it's green again (mountains white though :-)). Temperatures in the night a bit below zero C, just enough to keep the mud in the horses paddocks frozen. That's good.
Julia and Nike are just fine, they are coming and going. This WE Niki was at home, Julia was here at the beginning of the week. Julia lives in Jenbach, with her boyfriend Martin, and works in a hotelreception (Hotel Cordial) in Achenkirch. Niki lives in Ampfing, works in Waldkraiburg (MD Elektronik), about one hours drive east of Munich. This since September.
We had a GREAT summer, and it was just impossible to enjoy all those lovely evenings with an afterworkbeer, with a laptop in front of you. I suppose you all understand that! And we enjoyed (even celebrated) every single evening that way, as if it would be the last. At the end, there were a lot of them (and beers), but how were we supposed to know - in an average summer there are only one or two warm summerevenings.
So now I will try to revive this blogg. I doubt I deserve to call this a blogg and even less that I may call myself a blogger - but still I hope, there is at least someone out there reading it. If not, I can't blame you.
That I write today, has a reason: Last week a promised someone to write next week. That's this week, and today is the last day of this week - so, I kept my promise :-)
Postat av: Tuttan
Oj, stavfel redan i rubriken!