One could also call it "later this spring" (you'd understand if you'd read previous insert!) But in fact is already early summer now. At least it was - until yesterday. Today it's more like autumn again. Typical mondayweather. I made marmelade from frozen berries from last year - to make room for the new berries, coming soon. And I cut chives - lot of chives. Needs a lot of space in fth freezer too. Emil and I picked it yesterday. Probably the worlds best chives. It grows here, on Rossalpe.

These are hailstones, still laying around in the mountains, from saturday nights storm.
On the way down we found some snow to slide down on.

And then, of course, a abit further down, lots of enzian flowers.

It's really a wonderful part of the world we live in!
Last week I went for a long ride. 3 day, around 80 km. Part of the old salt road, passing through our valley. We, at the most 7 of us, started at Fernstein See at Fernpass. Rode up behind the castle, for those of you who know. This was the most exciting part. High up above the road.

Hombre and the horse in front of us, was the only two who went the hole distance. Good horse! Now he may enjoy the summer with horse friend Lisa - the mare we had here last summer too. She came today.
Rabbit Albrecht , now incredibly 11 years old (same age as Pontiac), also has his friends staying with us during the summer. Last summer he had two friends, this summer he's got 4! They belong to niece Barbara nextdoor.
Here is Snoopy, the smalles one. That's the guy with the long ears. Next to him is Puma - our new cat (the old one, Pussy, disappeared last fall :-( ) Puma is 8 weeks and sooooo wild. But getting along well with Pontiac, that's important - though Pontiac thinks it an annoying little creature, running around like mad almost all day long.

Emil and Niki have been busy too - working!!! This is the new horsetrailergarage.
Was looking for a picture, where Puma sleeps in Pontiacs tail - can't find it - so now I'm "demoralized" and don't want to write any more, Today. Except; that we are going to Sweden end of July