The barnparty
Looking for that picture with Puma in Pontiacs tail I found the horsebarnparty pictures. That wat fun too. End of May.

We even had life music! That wasn't planned - it just happened. Great!
We change location every year, and this year it was our turn - as you can see.
And about going to Sweden - end of June (not end of July, as I wrote by mistake in the previous insert) (Sorry bout that) we are planning to come. Sweden trips happen on short notice mostly - as this year too. We were not sure (and still aren't quite) how long we can stay, but an hour ago, or so, we plan to leave next monday, June 22, stay a night in Denmark, maybe, or on Sylt and arrive in Sweden Tuesday - or so. First we planned to tent, as we now are more or less homeless, so to say - but, at secon thought it didn't seem so attractive, Maybe it reains?!
So I now take a chance and ask: does anybody have a summer house or garden house or anything with roof, floor and walls, where three persons (poor Julia has to stay at home and work) and a DOG might be able to put up their headquarters for a couple of days, week 26., without disturbing anybody?
So - let's see what happens :-)))))