
Today I finished my 49th birthdaycake! All of them a different designt. I'm proud of me! Not every cake looked good, not every cake tasted good - but every cake was unique and made with love: "It's amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one cannot do"
This time it was Niki's turn - he got 24 and he wished to get a Prinz-Regenten-Torte. The weather was cold and nasty, perfect for baking.
.... and have a look at the inside! I think this is the cake with the highest density, ever baked. Real heavy, by all meanins. Had to have a whisky afterwards - and a cigar :-)
We also tried out Pontiacs new bicycle chariot this afternoon. He gets 11 this June, is still fit, but it's not good for him to run miles after us biking anymore. In this way we can load him up on the faster parts or if we want to go far, Dog enjoyed :-)
Look at tha nasty snow in the mountains! How are we supposed to be able to pick chives in time for midsummer with a lot of snow on the mountainmeadows??? It's the best chive you can get, up there, behind Pontiacs forehead.
I intend to be back with more tomorrow - about our doings (and not doings) this spring.
c u


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