Vive la France!
Vinterkylan har dragit sig tillbaka och det ska bli smaregnigt och tö de närmaste dagarna. Julregn. Inget ovanligt. Fast pa julafton ska det visst bli kallt igen. Det kan ju bli livat! O glatt!

Julia och Emil plockade en julgran i dag. De skidade helt enkelt ner genom skogen under bergbanan, med en sag i ryggsäcken, och vid sextiden kom Julia släpande med den. Det är dags att den kommer pa plats nu, sa tomten slipper gömma paket pa alla möjliga och omöjliga ställen i huset :-)
24 hours away from home

Christkindlmarkt in Innsbruck, only 10 minutes walk from JuNi's "home".
The snow on the roofs is real!

The "livingroom"

The "guestroom"
Pontiac slept in Julias room, but in the morning he came dragging my jacket along, and told me he wanted to go out in the yard. And pushed me off my "bed".

The "breakfastroom"

The yardside, with Julias panorama window.

Julias "panorama"
Niki hasn't got any view - only a window......

This is the view over Innsbruck, seen through the Olympic rings of the skijumping arena.
After this morning walk, we did some shopping, Emil and I. And Pontiac. At lunch we met Niki and had a nice lunch. Julia didn't get any lunch, except for the sandwich she had packed, poor child. She had lectures until 3, then we picked her up and went home. 24 hours!

Aren't they nice?! All decorated by Julia. They are nicer than good. We tried a new recipe this year. We shouldn't have. But in that way, maybe they last longer....
Emil had the day off today. Almost. Between 0900 until 1600. In that time we actually managed to get some Christmasshopping done! Before, he was snowing half the night; went at 1900 yesterday evening, came at 2200, set the alarm at 0200 and left, came back 0600 this morning, fed the horses, took a shower, had breakfast and left at 0800. And he's still out there on Snowy Mountain. When it's so cold, as it is right now (about 10° celcius below) you just HAVE TO snow, because you get 100 % out of those machines and even if it rains at Christmas, the pists are good. One reason for expensive skitickets.

Decosnow made by King Winter and Mrs Holle.
Tomorrow evening we go to Innsbruck, Emil and I, drink Hot Spiced Wine at the Christmasmarket and they stay over night on JuNi's kitchenfloor. I wonder how much you need to drink, to sleep well on a kitchenfloor....???
On Thursday, then, we'll do some Christmasshopping, ho ho ho, until the kids are ready for the day and we all go home together. Almost like holiday :-)

Lördag 11 december 2010
I Schmieden händer ingenting särskilt. Världen är insnöad och gar det händer inget speciellt. Jag rider i snön, skriver julpost (det där gammalmodiga med papper o penna), bakar, stökar, chaufferar mellan Innsbruck o Tannheim, handlar lite och har det ganska skönt i allmänhet. Lugnet innan stormen. = skidskolan, men det gillar jag. Det är min fullrulletid. Annars skulle det bli langtrakigt i längden. Hos Emil är det redan full storm med snökanoner och liftrevision. Snögubben Emil är ute dag o natt o snöar. Är det inte ett jädrans slöseri, förresten, av lata det vräka ner snö i Edinburgh, Paris, New York o en massa andra ställen där den bara är i vägen. Tror att Kung Vinter börjar förlora överblicken, han är väl ganska gammal nu. Han borde abdikera och överlata sitt cepter till Emil
När min storm börjar, börjar hans lugn, i o med att liften kör i gang vintersäsongen, och allting rullar pa av bara farten. I bästa fall. Niki kom just stegande och kastade en blick i tuutans ruuta, undrande "Varför skriver du pa svenska?" Bra fraga! Men jag har inget bra svar! " No idea, why I wrote in swedish??!! OK - I change. Maybe because I wanted to put in an old (4 weeks old) picture, today, showing mossa. A mosspotpurri. What's mossa in english? Just a moment, please - I'll look it up! Ah - moss! Not that difficult. Then mosspotpurri whas right all on it's little own! Good.
Julia is sitting next to me, watching icehockey on the laptop. She's still a Pittsburgh Penguin fan, it seems :-)
Here's the moss:Green is my favourite colour. Mostly...
Ist da jemand?????
No more real winter
Tomorrow I'll go get Niki from Innsbruck, again, after a sleighride to Vilsalpsee. On wheels. But with horses. And jingling bells. Thats important. And it looks like winter, at least, since everything is still white, like in winter. .

Today is monday, by the way. Usually I fill in forgotten information into the context, but today the the filled in letters "eat" the old ones. Why? It sometimes does. Very annoying, mildly expressed!!!
Why does Niki come home on Tuesday? Because it's sunday on Wednesday and Niki is free for the rest of the week. Why doesn't Julia come home? Because Julia has lectures on Thursday and and an exam on Friday, so she stay in Innsbruck and learn, on Wednesday. Anything else I forgot? No!
And I do not go on sleighrides with my horses. No! I help out the sleighrideguy in Tannheim. He's got big fat strong horses thus will start moving only if you bark "Hüa! at them.
Winter. Real winter.

Totally forgot to proudly present the new sheep recidence, that Emil, Julia and Niki built about a month ago. The sheep are very content. As are the dogs, that Julia takes care of, once and a while. The one to the right is Pontiacs father.
We have wonderful winterweather, ( it's hard to believe that what is normal to us, causes headlines in the news elsewhere) not too much snow but luckily we have Emil, the snowman. He has made enough for the skiarea to open up tomorrow. At least parts of it. I got lifttickets for me and JuNi today. For free! It's not bad beeing married to a snowman :-) I think I will dust of my randonné skis and walk up to the top, have a cup of hot chocolat and go down again. Sounds good, doesn't it?! And then we plan to bake pepparkakor. Sounds good too, doesn't it?! This year I'm early, have already put up most of the christmas decorations with lot of candles and lights. I like Christmastime. Especially advent. Tonight we go to the cinema. Happens twice a year, or so, in the best case. Harry Potter. Sort of a tradition.