Life goes on

Even if some of us decide to fall a sleep for ever. Like Emils Mother did, early this morníng. She was 88 years old and in a bit rusty shape, so to say, so I guess it was a good decision to say farewell in time, before she turned into a totally helpless wreck. Tuesday she had to go to hospital, because she hadn't eaten or drunk for 24 hours. She probably just had enough of this life on earth.
For us it was a day of rushing from here to there and organize and collect papers and hand out others and have a drink on Omas behalf and another one and another one and so on....... Emil skipped work today and we left home at 9 o'clock in t he morning and came back about 6 o'clock in the evening. Puh! Tomorrow evening we go to church, thedayaftertomorrow too and on tuesday evening we have the funeral. At 18.00. The first  "nightfuneral" ever, in Tannheim. It was the reverents idea. I good one! He meant, at that time, everybody is in church anyhow!so why not make it in one wash-up, so to say. All deads day, it is, I think. All saints day is the day before. Very Practical and probably very beautyful with all the candles on the graves.
So Emil and I didn't have any opportunity to enjoy the wonderful "springweather" today, but we will make another try tomorrow.

Killer instinct

Two minutes ago I found 4 fat nasty flies on the computer screen. Now it's bloodstained, but I only got two. I hope they won't come and eat me alive, the other two. I killed them, because they are intruders in my territory. What if they think it's theirs? They were huge.... That's one good thing with winter - no flies (normally). I think they came in with some flowers, from the balcony. Bet they are hungry....
Apropos hungry; we had a really nice three course menue this evening: as starter we had ovenbaked fishfingers with aubergineslice. For the hungry men. The main course was baked bananas with brown sugar flambée with 80% rum with vanilla icecream. The desert will be served any minute - Planters Punch by Niki. Should Paul Bocuse read this, he might be ready to kill, but I feel safe ...... ( I'm more worried about the flies). Tomorrow morning I serve Formula 1 breakfeast at 0645, at a sparkling fire, in our toprestaurant. Sounds good, doesn't. Our man is Marc Webber, by the way. Heja Red Bull!


It has been a long busy day, starting with a long rich breakfeast. Best meal of the day! The morning was cold. Minus 9 - brrrr, but soon the sun came out and made it a little bit warmer. She (or it? maybe even he??) (I mean teh sun) didn't manage to melt any snow, though. So I decided to put on the wintertyres, after all. Yes! - me, myself and I changed! I like that work. It something that last until april and everytime we get out the driveway without help by the neighbours it's thanks to ME :-) Not like cleaning and cooking and that stuff, that only makes the family happy until next time they get hungry......
I have, at last, got rid of my "babyspeck". Yippeeee! 54,6 the scale showed this morning. More YIPPEEE! And to prove that I have lost FAT, and not my precious muscels, I have to perform some kind of physical work. Like changing tyres. Or running up the mountain in one hour. Hihi, haha! Tyres is english english, and tires am. english. Did you know? I didn't - until I looked it up. I like my "new" body, only have to get it some new clothes, too. Hihi, haha!!!
Well, now I'm pleasant tired - I think it's because of the beer. Veltins. Best Pils you can imagine!
Tomorrow Niki is going to serve a Planters Punch, he,s promised - very interesting indeed, with a privat barkeeper. Tonight he's out in Red Cross business, so we have to wait - and drink beer. Cheerie-ohhh, out there!
Have a nice weekend!


This picture is from october 18, 2009. It's not unnormal with loads of snow october but you kind of try to wipe it out of the memory.....

It was snowing all night long but in the morning it cleared up and it turned out to be a sunny day. A cold
sunny day. And as it is quite early in the year, we didn't change wintertyres. As we expected the roads (over two passes) were free, and mostly even dry. No problems at all. Except to get from the garage to the road. Maybe 50 meters. Took us about 15 minutes with two persons pushing. Schmieden is not like the rest of the world. I think, that makes it so charming and why I love to live here.
Anyhow, we got JuNi home from Innsbruck with no problems. Brought them a new couchtable, special made by Emil, and put up some more shelfs. Innsbruck hasn't got any snow at all and it was really warm, +10°!
So now the family is complete again :-) Tomorrow we will make firewood for lots of cosy fires during the long cold winter.  Mmmmm....


One should really not complain about the weather, but.......

.. it was a little bit rough this morning, so to say

.. it can really not be expected from me that I build a snowman with passion - but somehow I still had the feeling I ought to build one -hMMMMM :-) I baked pumkincookies this afternoon, by the way, to keep warm and to keep the pumpkin from freezing.

Not even the nature is prepared for tor the sudden change from autumn to winter ( I do hope we get some more of the autumn!), nor is the car. We still have summer tyres, and luckily this snow decided to wait until today, wednesday, instead of coming on sunday, so I was able to take the car to service in Füssen. Without changing tyres, because it's way too early for that. Maybe..... Maybe not...... Anyhow we are promised sun tomorrow and no snow on the roads, as we go get Julia and Niki. Thursday :-) I like thursdays :-)))) My new favourite day!
Tuesday was also nice; I brought the car to the VWgarage, got I cup of coffee, then walked round the building and got to a footpath that took to me directly to my good old friend Evi. It's a lovely walk, along a lake, sun, leaves on the ground, light fog over the water and hardly any people. Pontiac was with me, of course. After a little more than an hour we came to Evi's and Gunter's house where a lovely breakfeast with tea and and and... waited for me. (Not for the dog. poooor dog) After three and a half hours breakfeasting and talking Evi drove me back to town to get the car. A wonderful morning!
Well, monday wasn't bad either - my two horses and the dog took me for a looooong morningride.
So - why complain about the weather? We don't starve, we dont' freeze and there are soooo many just wonderful days.

My cup of tea

Even if growing flowers not really is my cup of tea, I must admit to be quite proud of my balconyflowers and of my "King-Kong Sun Flowers. 270cm high as I chopped their heads off, the other day. The indian summer is coming to an end, the KingKongs grew cold and let their heads hang down. Like Tom Dooley. So I chopped them off, and let them dry in the remaining sun. The last couple of days it's been turning colder and foggier, every day and for sunday the weatherforecast has promised SNOW at 1100m. That's exactly at our doorstep. Brrrrr.  So I decided to rescue all the other flowers as well, and put them down on the balcony floor. If I'm lucky, they survive until next summer.
Cooking is also not really my cup of tea, but today I made - no! - I intended do make, but the actually Julia made A PUMPKINSOUP. Julia made it, because she came home from a ride on the white horse and was soooo cold, so  I took the horses to the pasture and she cooked. Beautyfull orangeyellow coulor, spicy, warm; perfect on a chilly.  foggy day like today. Then we roasted chestnuts, which we served with the soup, together with gorgonzola. For lunch. Yummmi. Then I baked "my" breakfastbusquits and my favourite lemon/meringue cake. Yummmi.  Actually we have been eating a lot of good stuff this week. At least Emil an I. We had german friends here, staying in the village, and Beate is the best pizzacook you can imagine. Tuesday evening, I think she made 7 different  pizzas, and and all guests became at least one slice of each kind. She's really professional and always brings a load of her own pizzacookstuff. Yummi! The next day I invited every body for five o'clock tea and scones. That's my cup of tea!

And this is my new teacup! Birthdaygift from Julia. And Julia became one from me :-) A very green one....


WE are Tuttan and Pontiac. Of course!

Indian summer

For over one week now, we have had wonderful golden warm autumn weather. Blue sky. Sun. Sometimes a warm wind. Except on Tuesday. A rainy day, that I used for cleaning and baking; two cakes plus Tuttans special breakfast crackers with spelt, oat and nuts. Very healthy! Today I baked two more cakes - makes four together, one was for grandpa (had birthday yesterday) and the rest is for meeeeeee :-) I haven't eaten one piece of cake for ages and weeks ago I decided to declare the upcoming weekend as a cakeeatingweekend. Wanna see them, my cakes?! One with whisky and chocolate, one english fruitcake and one gooseberrycake with meringue. Yummy!

And Niki has promised to serve Banana Daiquiri. More yummy!
To prepare my self ( mentally more...) I climbed Neunerköpfle, our housemountain, so to say. 1 h 5 min with some looking around, because it was sooo beautyful. A good time, I'm satisfied with me - and that with not very much training :-) Just as I came back down to the topstation of to take the "cable-cabin" down, I met Emil who was just about to go down to the middlestation with a pistmachine and have lunch at the middlestationhut. So we bumped downhill in the with Emil instead, and enjoyed the sunny veranda for a while. Great! The we walked down home, as Emil drove up back to work.
Between all this cakebaking and runningaroundinthemountains and cleaning and washing, of course, I sneak off to take a ride, almost daily. Now that Julia is in Innsbruck I have to keep the horses going, I've promised her. 
Last sunday we delivered Julia and Niki in their appartement and, at the time, helped them to test the kitchen. We fried un filet de veau.

As there is no cooker hood, we found out that they should, preferably, try to eat only boiled food.
But nevertheless, we had a nice supper

The picture assortment at the hind wall is not yet completed, by the way.
And we have escalope de veau on the plates´- the filet is not quite ready yet

Well, well - tomorrow morning Emil and I take off for Innsbruck to go get the kids back home, over the weekend. And we will use the day to visit the Innsbrucker Herbstmesse (fair??). Kind of tradition to go there.

I wanted to make a reportage of the new sheephouse that we are building, but I think it's a better idea to go to bed. It's gonna be a very nice sheephouse, for sure. I'll show you when it's ready. Ready to paint, at least. Is there somebody out there that would like to bring us two buckets of Falu Rödfärg, by a chance.....???? Please!!!!

PS Ah, I wanted to excuse myself for not writing anything for so long. Because of the Indian Summer. It's so warm and nice out there, and we have lots to do outside,  that we never come in untill dark, around 8 o'clock, and then we eat and then I clean up and prepare for next morning and so on and then I'm tooooooo lazy to sit down and write :-)

Another week....

Weeks are rolling on like ..... eh?..., like peas, as one would express it in swedish. I think! I'm sure everybody know what I mean!!!!
Last sunday I took Niki to Innsbruck and we dined good in a Turkish restaurant before I left the boy alone in the big (everything is relative!) city. Yesterday we picked him up, Julia and I. As it seems, he feels comfortable in Innsbruck and the mathematic was easy. Good! Julia used the day for some information meetings at the University. I painted the last door. Now we are all gathered and ready for the weekend. Niki has promised me a Margarita tonight :-) Usually monday is the sitinfrontofthetelevisionwithadrinkevening (Grey's Anatomy & Co.) but as Niki will no longer be at home mondays, we'll have the drinks on Fridays in future. Margaritas because the new (remember:everything is relative) season of Desp. Housewives start on Monday. Yipppeeee!!!! Although, I will miss having Julia at my side in the sofa. It's not quite the same with the men......
This week I spent quite a lot of time with Julia and horses. Nice! To make up a little of the time I didn't have with her last year, as she was in Sweden :-)
In lack fotos of the family at work, I finish with Niki's last set of butterknives:

And - I took up Tai Chi wednesday evening again, after a long summer pause. Good. In fact Emil and I intended to take dance lessons, together with an other couple, but (un)fortunately there was too little interest, so it was cancelled. Emil was quite happy about that :-) I wasn't very sad either, to be honest, because with dance there would be no time for Tai Chi! So - everything has regulated it self, as so often :-)


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