Last week:

Last week there were lots of going on; on Monday Niki and I went to the drivingrange and hit one ball better than the other. Very good for the golfego :-))), then the cattle came down from the summerpastures in the mountain. That was tuesday. Traditionally there was a big tent to celebrate this important day in, with music, beer, Bratwurst and so on. During the day there were busloads of tourists, in the evening mainly locals. The tent was crowded with I don't now how many hundred people drinking, dancing on the tables (some) and having a good time in general. And all this in the middle of the week. Elsewhere they bring the cattle down on a saturday, but not so in Tannheim! Here it's on the 21st of September! Like Christmas on the 24th of December. I think it's good so. "Man soll die Feste feiern wie sie kommen!" as they use to say here (go get your german dictionaries, everybody!) Wednesday after it was hard to get up in the morning, but we managed at last. Emil went to work, JuNi and I to Innsbruck with another load of furniture and the bikes. It's really nice to have understanding children with driverlicences :-) I had a good sleep on the way in.
Thursday was biking day. Friday another Innsbruck day. We were succesful with installing the TVset and Ju/Ni were relieved.
Today, Saturday, we ran out of sunny weather and I managed the clean the whole house. Also a good thing with bad weather. Today the sheep came down from the mountainpastures, but as they are not so big and so many as the cows, the tent is smaller, but equally crowded, and they serve delicate sheepsausages. It's a little bit like surströmming (except for not smelling strongly) - either you LOVE them, or NOT. And the thing is, you only get them on this day in this tent. That's the thing! The Lechleitner family decided to leave early, this time!
Tomorrow it's time to install Niki in the Höttingergasse 28. He starts a week earlier than Julia, because of a voluntary "maths refresher week. It's probably a good thing, after a year at the Red Cross in front of the television........
But not everything is bad in life - we had a wonderful lazy sunny sunday. At least I had. Julia went running and Niki and Emil MTBing and I was laaaazzy. Julia I were in Reutte to look at a jumping contest. A good one, with good riders. (Good that she didn't run all day long.........) Very relaxing event (at least as spectator) wher you always meet people you meet once a year, in an average.
Wheater was cold and grey last week, but is turning sunnier. Good! Emil had "holiday" last week, - lot's of work that has to be done at home. Tomorrow he can go to regular work again, and maybe relax a little :-) - at least his mind.... Me and Emil went for a really nice ride this evening, through the forest, by the way. Almost forgot. That's sooooo nice to bum through the forest and along the pastures where the cattle gather, so slowely, for the big final on tuesday. ALMABTRIEB! Or Alpfahrt, as we call it in Tannheim.
We're filling up the horsetrailer for one more haul to Innsbruck; bike, matrasses, desks etc. Lots of stuff.
I'll report!
Until then, you may enjoy the beatyful evening sky over Tannheim:

Good night, good time,out there!

"Hey - the first own IKEA shelf, in my life!!!!!"

"Pimp my kitchentable"
As old Hector died, the leftalone sheepladies need new male company - fresh delivered this very afternoon:

"Take two, pay one"
Julia's kittens are all gone, to their new families, by the way
It was on the time, because Julia became severe problems with keeping them under control......:

"Un bouquet de chats" (Last saturday)

Although it's the most natural thing it's still always a bit sad. Hector was Niki's absolute favorite and a very strong character. But he was old and got weak and weaker and in spite of a shot with vitamins and antibiotika he died in Nikis arms this morning, in the sun in on the bench on the kitchenporch. But life goes on and we already discuss where to get a new ram, for the three remaining sheepladies.
A nice neighbour came, with a sharp knipe, and cut Hectors head off. What a waste it would be to throw these wonderful horns away! I'm sure Hector shares our opinion, from up above :-) The chief hunter of Tannheim will boil and prepare the skull.
Another chapter of my history is Musauer Alm, one of these lovely summer pastures in the mountains. I spent three summers up there a looooong time ago. The first summer a was a waitress. A real lousy one! The next summer I helped out in service and helped out with the cattle. Better! The third summer I was alone in charge of the cattle. Great! A couple of weeks ago, as big brother Uffe was here, we (Uffe, Juli, Niki and I) made a long mountainhike and came through at Musauer Alm.
(The frontside looks nicer.......)

Well, and today, Emil and I take a trip with the motorbike to the village Musau, where they celebrated the home coming of the cows, after the mountain summer. This summer was the first summer that Emil's and my nephew Joachim (Jolle) leased the alm together with his girlfriend, so that's why we went there. It's kind of funny, how many things goes around - kretsarna sluter sig - you loose contacts and then you pick them up again, but in a totally different way. If you see what I mean?!
...... on the 21st the cattle in Tannheim comes down and then we can celebrate on REAL :-) Big day!!!!
Niki serverade mig just en screwdriver. Förmodligen för att visa sin uppskattning, för att jag har jagat Manfred, nästan stalkermässigt, de senaste veckorna. En eftertraktad man! (Hur kan man döpa sitt barn till Manfred????)
Igar var vi i Innsbruck, Julia, Niki o jag ( o Pontiac) med ett hästsläp fyllt med möbler, färg och husgerad.
Färgerna var olika gröntoner. Gult och orange ingar i hyran.
..... nu är jag arg o frustrerad; hade just skrivit en massa fyndiga saker o letar rätt pa passande bilder o sa försvinner halva sk.......!
Sov gott, där ute i etern. Jag ska titta pa Doctors Diary nu. Inte sova! En, faktiskt jätterolig, tysk (förmodligen parodi) pa alla engelska läkarserier som gar i TV.
En annan dag, när jag inte är frusterad längre, ska jag skriva det jag skrev nyss. o stoppa in bilderna. Igen!!!
Die Heimwerkerfamilie
Maybe I should write in english, like my brother, so my friends in Germany, or whereever, can read AND look at the pictures. Is that a good idea? When I don't get any response I go back to writing in swedish, as that has turned into a kind of foreign language to me, during the years. But on the other hand, english writing wouldn't do any harm as well.....
Anyhow - for Heimwerkerfamilie I can't find a more suitable word either in swedisch nor in english. Any suggestions???
We are doing our best to make some old furniture, wich we found on the attic, look like we bought them at IKEA the other day. Since the kitchen in Julia and Nikis Innsbruck flat, doesn't have a window, we decided to keep much of it in white. And greeeeeen. On monday we plan to fill the horse trailer and take a good lood to Innsbruck.
That is, when the grass we cut the other day, has turned into hay. It's really tough to make hay in this wet and cold country ( but beautyful!!!!)
PS See the new windows????