
Am I the only person in the world that doesn't like jeans with stretch?If there had been more of us, shouldn't there be some Levis without stretch somewhere? I just tried to fix my most loved, and only, pair. With  a sticky textilepatch to iron on. Usually I sew. Zick-zack. I love those jeans, because they are not already bought "used", they ARE used. And bleached, all by my little self, throughout the years. That's the way real jeans should be!
I vote for the revival of strechless jeans!!!!!!!
Tomorrow we are going to Innsbruck. Early. Have to be there at 8 o'clock in the morning, for my yearly medical check-up. See how many % of the expected performance I achieve at the spiro-ergometer. Last time we stopped at 175%. I want to blast the 200% limit, but the doc won't let me. Says she ge depressed by letting me continue..... :-) Emil and Pontiac are going to check out Stubaital, meanwhile. Then we meet Julia at the Christmasmarket. They have warm eggnogg there. Yum-yum! Later we meet Niki too. Julia has promised to drive home. Good child - isn't fond of alcohol.

1st advent

That was yesterday. It was sooooo warm. Not at all "adventy". But we lit the first candle as it got dark. Then JuNi took off to Innsbruck, with me in the back. We actually gave in, saturday, an put on the wintertyres. Even if the days are sunny, it's real frozen winter on the shady part of the roads. But still an excellent weather for driving over the mountains - all big roads are salted and dry. But, believe it or not, the weatherforecast forecasts SNOW on Friday. Maybe. A little. In a corner. So today I decided to butcher the last pumpkins and tried to make it a bit chrismassy around the house, with green naturals intstead of orange. It's difficult to get the right christmasmood when the sun shines from a clear blue sky......

Now I'll show you my fairly new boot on my fairly new bedroomcarpet:

Two thing I've been longing for, for years :-)



Ok, I can't resist anymore, with sooooo many comments.
Although not very much has happened. Last week I was very social; went to funeral in the village (old man - father of friends), helped old lady to bath and clean old fat cat ( and promised to take lady and cat to vet next week)(me and my big mouth......).
The weather has been the same for over one month now; cold mornings then warm sunshine. That is, I avoid indoor work after noon, when the sun comes out. I must admit it's getting hard finding anything to do outside, that make sense, since everything is already prepared for snow and ice. But I thought it would be a good idea to isolate the rabbithouse. It's very snug and fancy now and I think Albrecht (the rabbit) likes it.
Today I washed the car. And waxed it.

Look ! - you can see the evening sky in the roof. Pink evening sky means good weather next day.

On the right peak we had pic nic in september. The other way round...... (the entry with alpine walking me)
This was last sunday at Vilsalpsee, our very favourite lake - always good for a walk (sometimes even for a bath)



No comments - no more entries!!!



....... at least until December. Or so. Maybe.


Mmmmm, good little sheep!



November 11th is a "traditionday" here in the valley. Martins day. Martini, as they call it here, what would get most people to associate with something else. I guess :-) And it's the day many people eat roast goose. Fat! We'll have a tiny duck on Sunday. But was this day means to us, is a gathering, in front of the Martin Chappel, where all (at least very many) horses come every year, to get blessed. For me it has no religious meaning - only traditional. I'm fond of traditions. Same procedure as every year. If rain or storm or snow. Or sunshine, like today. But it has turned cold. The sunshine is only warming if you sit tight to the housewall at lunchtime.

Julia rode, Pia (a girl from the neighbourhood) rode.
Pontiac, Sidney (mule) and I walked. 
At home we had tea and warm bagels. As every year.

Last weekend

Emil looks satisfied, doesn't he!?
That was Saturday.


What gets out has to be brought in again :-)


Last tuesday

Alla hallons dag, som familjen Sandberg i Laholm kallade den dagen. All saints day.
I used the day for gardening.

Not much gardening to do, this time of year, except raking leaves together.....
Well, I did cut back the balconyflowes as well. They've been standing, covered up, on the balconyfloor, since the first morning frost. Since then I've haven't looked at them, but seemingly they all survived (so far!!!!) and I just left them out there. The weather is still nice and warm, except the chilly mornings, and mostly sunny. No winter in sight, I heard on the radio this morning. That's ok with me :-) I never really now where to put those flower and most of them die during the winter, but I just can't throw them away!!!!
As the gardeningpart was fast done with, on tuesday, I took an "alpine walk" to Emil, on his mountain, as well. It was sooooo beatyful!!!! The best workout in the best sportstudio you can think of; Mother Natures Sport Studio. Fantastic! I went up from the other side, from Haldensee. More scenic than straight up, from our house. But as I got a new biketyre, I had to test it, and biked up the normal route last saturday.
Today the weather was nice,again, but my duties not so nice; I had to take Niki one ram to the butcher (the slaughter..?) Anyhow, that's one person. In Zöblen, next village. And now the poor animal is dead. That was the one we couldn't sell, because of the narrow horns. I held him and scratched his neck, as he got shot. I think that is your duty, as animal owner. He was so cute. But he had no future, with his horn handicap. Probably he will be like chewinggum with muttontaste, to eat. Have to ask Charly, neighbour and chef, how to cook him. Out of the liver, heart, lungs and tongue I will try to make Haggis. Scots specialty. Have to google that. If I can make experiments I like better to cook - but when the result is a disaster I'm not so happy........ - not to mention the family!!!!
I'll report!

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