
Same procedure as every year! Only the recipes of the insides changes. This year we turned it into a huge bowl of soup, with cinnamon, ginger and cayennepepper and a wee drop of cream. Delicious! 
Weather is still wonderful; some morningfrost, then sunshine. I'm not very fond of the "wintertime", though. I prefer it darker in the morning, and more daylight in the afteroon. Today it was dark before six o'clock. Disgusting! I like it in December, yes, when the world is turning "christmassy" and white, but not noooow.... But - in two days I'll be used to it again :-)
This morning, at breakfast, Niki and I found THE solution for Greece: Let the chinese have Greece! If they pay their debts, they can have Greece as a colony for 99 years, or so. I bet they would find a way to make some good business there! Probably the greek people wouldn't agree, but on the other hand they don't agree with anything..... I'm happy to live in Austria!
Upcoming week, Julia has lectures on monday and friday. Niki on Wednesday and Thursday. Tuesday is sunday. I hope I won't need the car!

Last weekend....

.... Emil did some gardening. Halleluja!

And now we're already having weekend again! A very looooong weekend, indeed. From tomorrow off just until the 2nd of November. Or the 3ed. At least Niki. Julia has a clausur on Thursday and lectures on monday.Tomorrow is national holiday in Austria. That is, tomorrow wednesday, turns into sunday. Today, tuesday turned into friday, regarding traffic. I went to Innsbruck to bring JuNi home. So much traffic. Where is everybody going?????? They should all stay at home, instead of polluting the air!!!!!! I mean "the others", of course:-)
Anyhow, as we came home, tonight, the bedroom carpet had been laid. The carpetguy called around 5 o'clock, telling he's got our carpet on the carroof. Are you at home? I said no - call Emil. He did. At last, I have my new bedroomcarpet!!! Hurra!!!!!

I continue

Half of my last entry got lost. Grrrrr! I had just written about my second birthdaymountain, Litnis, and tried to complete with a picture - then; PUFF! Now I'll give it another try:

If the dog can do, so can I.

This was Wednesday, 10 days ago. That means today is the 22nd. In those ten day we got more snow, it has turned a lot colder, all the leaves are off the trees, I have got the varnish off all three doors, we've torn out the carpet (at last!) in our bedroom, scraping off glue (puh!) and next weekend, or so, a friend of ours will come and put in a new one. Before I will paint the walls. White, again, as we have a lot of wood in the bedroom. When that's ready, I'll try to free the doorframes too, from that dark varnish. So we keep busy. Emil was on "holiday" this week. Working holiday. At home. Brought in a lot of firewood, so now we are prepared for the winter. We managed one more hikingday. A half one. More an extended walk with the dog, crossing over Hahnenkamm, from Höfen to Wängle. And of course we took the cable car up :-) There is a new one in Höfen, that Emil had to check out on. Well, not THAT new anymore - almost one year now.
Julia and Niki is home over the weekend, as usual. I have been baking and cooking almost all day, I have the feeling. Promised the youngsters bananabread, so I thought as I have the oven heated anyhow, I might as well make a pizza and breakfeastcrackers as well.
Yesterday evening we were invited to friends 60th birthday. Friend who gets 60! That sounds real old..... But the man doesn't look that old at all - nice guy. Horseguy. Do horses keep you young?

It's getting dark, have to take Pontiac for a little walk and put a candle in the pumpkin and light the lantern in the tree.


Sunday oct. 16 2011

The second sunday in row, that we could enjoy a formula one breakfeast, all together. Niki came home just in time to miss the start. He was on night duty on the ambulance station, last night. After breakfast and F1 Emil  and I decided to bike up to the topstation, via Usseralpe. Emil's topstation. Emil is on "holiday" since last Wednesday. Working holiday. But still he seems to miss his mountain, Neunerköpfle. If we go out our driveway, turn left, we are already on our way up. The same way we go with the skis in winter. Well, the sun was shining warm, after a night with some light frost. About half way my bike made PENG - pffffff....... - so I took a walk down, instead, leading the bike. Emil went on up, for a cup of coffee with buddies. I knew I needed a new hind tire, Emil ment it only this morning...... The tire is full of holes, so I wasn't very surprised. Rather happer, actually, that it didn't happen before and farther away. Tomorrow we'll do tyre shopping, for my bike, spikes for the winter and normal, and for the car we are having brand new winter tyres fit on the winterrims. Already ordered them in the garage; Good Year UG 8. Better be prepared for the next wintermezzo, coming up end of the week.
But right now we still have beatyful autumnweather and we brought the sheep to a new pasture. Thursday I took one of rams to Innsbruck and sold him to a zoodealer. Yes, in the back of the car, where we normally have the dog. Yes, it did smell a bit strong, but I kept the temperature low in the car, 16 °, and almost froze my ass off, so it smell did not come out so strong. No remaining odeurs in the car -NO! The other ram, we found out, has got very narrowgrowing horns, so s

....... puff!!!!  (the rest got lost - so, to be continued :-(



Today is October 9, 2011. We had summerweather since september 21, so I wouldn't complain. Friday was rainy, saturday SNOW. By tuesday it should all be gone again, so Niki left the sheep on the pasture with some hay.

Yesterday I turned 53. I must admit that the outside does get a "little" wrinkled, as years are passing by, but the inside is still in perfect shape :-)

My cruel daughter made this photo yesterday - but I guess it's better to face reality.........
As almost every year, I gave myself a mountain for birthday. Tuesday we had great weather so Pontiac and I climbed Rhonenspitze, more or less round the corner. We had a great day, dog and me. 

As we had such wonderful and warm weather I found a lot of outdoor work; like harvesting tomatoes and pumpkins. Guess I need at least one week of very bad weather to prepare and freeze (and whatever) all that stuff. It's never my idea to grow vegetables, it's Niki's. But I do admit it's nice looking at :-)

Have a recipe for "pickled green tomatoes". Ought to work out even for me..... Sounds good!
My birthday gooseberrycake turned out delicous, by the way. Sweet and sour, as I like it - mmmmm....
Last monday, at last,  I decided to start getting rid of the brown varnish there still is on almost every door in this house, since some 50 years, or so. A project I have been planning for years. It's a loud and vibrating and dusty work but it's just great to see the bright nice wood coming out after brushing and sandpapering with different machines. It'll still take some time to get ready but as I have already started I can't stop :-) Then I want to rub it in with beewax, as a slight protection, preserving the natural wood look. Hope to be ready by christmas!!!!!!

Tonight Julia and Niki will leave for Innsbruck, for the second week, on their third term. I'll drive the car back home, as usual, and bring it again on thursday or friday,for them
 to come home for the weekend. Back to normal!


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