October 26 in 1955 the new Austrian republic signed a treaty for everlasting neutrality and the leftover soldiers of WW II left. That's the shortversion. If it's a wrong shortversion I'm sure Niki will write a comment with correct informations :-)
Tomorrow we are expecting snow. Real snow, all the way down to the doorstep. So today Julia and I are removing fences and balcony flowers. Yesterday we fenced the sheep to a barn, where they have a good shelter. And we changed to wintertyres. We are ready! The winter may come. But I do hope only for a short visit, because to my opinion it's faaaaar to early for snow and freezing colds.
This week I got a phone call from Jungbrunn. They offered me a job. They need someone to help out in their shop "Wally's G'wand". They sell Landhausmode. Country-, alpstyle-, tradiotional fashion. And kitschige accessoirs. I said yes, let's give it a try. Money is money! So this afternoon I'll give it a try. Or - they will try me :-)
What on earth shall I wear? To be honest, I have my doubts, but it might be an interesting experience:-))))) Anyhow - it's a good feeling to be offered a job out of the blue.
I'll report.
If these (above seen) letters should prove to be a picture, it show the bottom of Höttingergasse (the dark gap) in Innsbruck. Where Julias and Nikis flat is situated.

Tomorrow we are expecting snow. Real snow, all the way down to the doorstep. So today Julia and I are removing fences and balcony flowers. Yesterday we fenced the sheep to a barn, where they have a good shelter. And we changed to wintertyres. We are ready! The winter may come. But I do hope only for a short visit, because to my opinion it's faaaaar to early for snow and freezing colds.
This week I got a phone call from Jungbrunn. They offered me a job. They need someone to help out in their shop "Wally's G'wand". They sell Landhausmode. Country-, alpstyle-, tradiotional fashion. And kitschige accessoirs. I said yes, let's give it a try. Money is money! So this afternoon I'll give it a try. Or - they will try me :-)
What on earth shall I wear? To be honest, I have my doubts, but it might be an interesting experience:-))))) Anyhow - it's a good feeling to be offered a job out of the blue.
I'll report.
If these (above seen) letters should prove to be a picture, it show the bottom of Höttingergasse (the dark gap) in Innsbruck. Where Julias and Nikis flat is situated.

Ride in Ötztal
This should be a picture and on that picture the missing horse to the far right should be seen. Now the dog is on the far right and therefor invisible.

This should be a picture and on that picture the missing horse to the far right should be seen. Now the dog is on the far right and therefor invisible.

Snowchaines, Julia's got her own snowchaines!

Grrrrrr......! See previous insert!
Det var faktiskt TRE ryttare, fint fördelade i bilden. Why does a third of the picture disappear??????
Some pictures
Let's start with today. Yes ! Really today, october 23rd.
Time to get the leaves together - on saturday it's supposed to snow. Hard to believe, but probably true. Likely it's going to get green for a while again - at least down in the valley.
Sunday the 14th Julia participated on an orientionride (swenglish???) together with some other Tannheimer.
Me on my birthdaybridge.
Me looking down from my birthdaybridge.
Emil has got a cold, but he will survive. I'm sure. I've started with poweryoga. Thursday evenings in Reutte. Fun, and definitely with power.
Last sunday, i went mountainbiking. Lohmoos, a standardtour, so to say. First up, the down. I guess the good bike will stay in the garage now, until next spring. Will that take long?????

the heck do the right side of the pictures disappear????? Grrrrrrr........
Se previous inserts!
Already October!!!!!!!
But temperatures like in august. After the snow last monday....... It's very beautyful; blue sky, golden leaves, green grass and so on.
Wanted to show Julia on the orientation ride (swenglish?????) put unfortunately those pictures are hidden at the bottom of the dropbox. I'll try to get them out of there until next week. Well, last sunday Julia and riding friends from the valley went to Ötztal to participate on this event. Nice.
Here intstead the crop of the year. I'm glad we can buy our food in a store and that we are not depending on a good crop. We harvested a handfull of apples and a handful of tomatoes. I pickled the green ones. Got a jar full:-)

I just poured myself a glass of wine - because it's friday and I want to be prepared if Uffe calls. Like most fridays
, it's windy and rainy and soooo cosy in the house. Julia came home from Innsbruck, Niki will Skype soon, I guess, The dog is sleeping in a corner, horses in the barn, a fire in the open ( more or less) fireplace, a candle. I like autumn!
Went for a long ride today. Yesterday too. Feels good.

Tomorrow morning we will have a Formula 1 qualyfying breakfast. At 6.45 am.
It's already october and I'm not even ready with my august review!
Well, after all those guests, we loaded the family, including dog, into the car and headed for Sweden. Niki had the most luggage, as he had to pack for 4 months, the rest of us only for a week. This is where we left him, after that week in Bastad.( 6400 Sönderborg, DK - if somebody is interested.......)

During the week in Bastad, we met relatives.

With cousin Kajsa & co we had a nice little pic-nic on Hovs Hallar.

Camilla invited us for supper.

Victor gave us a hard time on the go-cart track :-)
Same procedure as every year. Thank you everybody!