Last sunday, the 20th, to begin with, as I haven't got the new photos from this sunday yet; they are still hidden in the new camera, that we had to buy because I managed to crash the old one (just a little bit in a corner....) last sunday following Julia and Hombre, and a bunch of other riders, last sunday in Imst and surroundings; teams of two get a map with certain points they have to find - that's it. 20 km, lot of up and down, 3 hours ca. I rode my bike, escorted by Pontiac and going uphill on a róugh road, taking pictures without getting off, wasn't a very good idea - apparently... But as only the camera got hurt, no big deal :-)
Julias real horse and my "steelhorse" ready to go home.
It was a very warm and nice day. In fact we had such day all week, until this evening, as a thick wall of dark clouds came rollilng in with wind, hail and rain. Guess we have to put those wintertyres on the car, after all.....

Look - yesterday (friday)
.... but today it was friendlier, though still white (ca 15cm) due to the cold night:

Oktober 10,2013
This afternoon at 2 o'clock:
Awful - isn't it?!
A few hours later:
Cosy - isn't it?!
Saved some flowers today.
I had the day off today ( as so many other days :-))))) so I started with some Yoga at Hotel Jungbrunn, where I work in the Boutique, those days I do not have the day off, as you might know. 2 minutes (max) with the bike. As employee you can visit all yoga-, pilates-, tai-chi-classes etc etc. And use their luxury gym. I tried it out today too, for the first time since ages. It was fun! Probably I won't be able to move, tomorrow........ But if, at least a little (well, I HAVE to, have to work tomorrow!) Emil and I intend to go to a vernisage tomorrow. In the village. Lot of famous local artists. I think it will be Emils first vernisage ever and my first since I was a teenager and Emma forced me to accompany her to vernisages in Laholm, where there also where a lot of "famous" local artists, Emy called it "social duties" :-)
Julia has got a cold and will stay more one weekend in Innsbruck - because with snow and and a running nose, she couldn't go riding anyhow - so why come home........ :-))))) And she has to study.
Niki's doing just fine in Glasgow, and now has some projects going.We skype every other evening.

Nothing of very much interest
Days are getting shorter, life kind of slower. This was the carrot crop of the year:
These the beans:
The amount of potatoes and tomatoes was similar. No pumpkins this year, not even a tiny little one. But I bought a bright beautyful one the other day. I'm very happy that I do not have to grow my food, but can go to a store and buy it. A lot easier, but - not as fun as see it growing. IF it grows. Made tomatochutney of the tomatoes; all green and the biggest the size of a golfball. Just perfect for chutney! And we got quite a few berries; goosberries and red currant. And not to forget the honey:-)
Nothing very much exciting been happening lately, except that I saw the bottom of the "to-iron-basket" for the first time since I do not know when. Thanx Julia :-)
We had some rainy days and some bright sunny days. Today was one of the latter sort and I had the day off. So had Germany. Tag der deutschen Einheit. The German Reunion Day. The village was crowded, I made the mistake to go to the local store..... - needed red turnip for Pytt i Panna. Maybe I should have grown some?????? But in Schmieden 11 everything was calm, and before all those germans were finished with the breakfast and crowded the valley I went for a long nice "walk" with 2 horses and one dog (of course I sat on one of those horses!). After a sunny lunch I did some paintwork in our almost finished new luxury horsebarn.
Life hasn't to be exciting to be enjoyable. Not always.......... :-)