
The sun is still shining and the weather is faaaar to good for blogging but as it is friday I will at least put in a photo :
or two......
This was some from our very nice 4 day trip last week. Next 4 day trip will take us all to Glasgow to install Niki at Strathclyde University :-) T.

A looooong looooovely day

Yesterday. Saturday August 3rd. A hot summer day. We started at 05h30 from Tannheim, drove to Munich, brought Niki to a IELTS english test after having breakfast in a very nice bakery garden.The second reason for our daytrip to Munich was the grand opening of Lindas BonBonLingerie at Stachus, in the very middle of Munich. After a day of shopping and "partying" at BonBon's we all (i.e. we, Uffe & co & co & co and of course Linda, the hero of the day) had a real Bavarian supper under the trees of Augustiner Bräu Biergarten.In spite of a slight thunderstorm and some rain, we had real good time before heading home. with Julia as chauffeur. We went to bed round 01h30, tired and happy after a loooong day with beloved family :-)
Today, sunday, we have all been relaxing in our "at-home-paradise"; slept loooong ( 8 o'clock!!!), grilled, tried on new outfits......
Unfortunately Niki was the only one without new outfit, as he could make up his mind which shoes to choice out of apparantely too many :-) But we bought him an selfinflatebly sleeping mat, to try out on our motorbike tour (with tents) which will start tomorrow morning.Uulia is the only one not driving herself, because we need her as navigator. To Aosta Valley in Italy. We'll be back on Thursday. T.

A looooong looooovely day

Hot summer days

We enjoy theim!
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BSc Niki had dutch study friends, from his Denmarktime here for a few days
Emil is not the only one working but he has for sure got the most spectacular place to work
2013-08-01 @ 21:05:24 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (2) Trackbacks ()

Hay everybody!

We have become real summer
.... and we are haying. Today or tomorrow we will be finished and then, I going for a swim in Vilsalpsee. I think..... T.
2013-07-16 @ 11:17:37 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


Since last sunday we have a new watertrough for the well in Schmieden, at the crossroad right before our driveway. Of course it had to be decorated and celebrated. All sunday long. With music, beer and food. Julia and I made the roofdecorations.
On monday I was a bit tired, but on tuesday I was fit for the first bunch of guest (I do hope for more, of course!!!!!) arriving tuesday evening. From Germany and Columbia. Very nice. Of course we went hikin :-) And picked wild mountain chives.
Today they left, and Julia went to Innsbruck. Quite empty again..... T.
2013-07-05 @ 19:07:36 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


That summer I wrote about in my last insert, didn't even last until midsummeer. Julia kept warm with the frog dance
.... and Niki soon gave up the illusion of wearing shorts that evening
Men sillen var god
.... och vi hade en riktigt trevlig kväll, vi fyra, tillsammans med lite inbjudna vänner, med lite smabarn, som verkligen uppskattade lite svensk traditionell groddans. Det maste ha kommit nagot om groddansen i TV! Sverige är ett mycket populärt semesterland, for the time beeing, and everybody seems to know that crazy swedes jump around a leaved pole at midsommar. IS THAT TRUE????? is the question I often have to answer:-) Got some language mix here, but who cares. ...... and Monday summer will be BACK! I believe in that!!!!! T.
2013-06-28 @ 15:09:43 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()


At last! Real summer; warm, blue skye, even luke warm evenings. While the rest of Austria seem to complain about the heat, we here in Tannheimer Tal enjoy wonderful summerweather. Birds are singing, everything is green (even the last trees), snow is melting in the mountains and even our pale bodies have got some sun tan. Right now I'm sitting on the front porch, a Tequila Sunrise ( I can't drink it in the morning - nooo.......) - ok, let`s rename it in Tequila Sundown. Lately I often have my Fridaydrink on Thursday. That's the day Julia usually comes home from Innsbruck. Niki is at home anyhow. Mostly. So Thursday is day the family is complete again. Has to be celebrated, hasn't it. This last week we have been busy enjoying the summer. At least Niki and me. The housewife and the student. We went for a short and very refreshing swim in Vilsalpsee, we've been mountainbiking and motorbiking. I went hiking with Pontiac as well. And I even went to work. Twice!! And I have been gardening. Got a red back, that first summer day, but now everthing is more or less brown. I love summer :-) Like I love fall, winter and spring :-)))). I just finished preparing the sill for the midsommar, tomorrow - or so. That means I go to the local supermarket and buy Matjes. Austrian matjes. They are drowned in oil. So what I do is to try to neutralize the poor things and wash the oil off. Then I prepare them the swedish style. More or less. Emma taught me to do this way. For schmiedish midsummer! Depends on the weather. Right in time for this weekend we`ve been promised lower temperatures and rain again. Had a short thunderstorm this afternoon too. Emil is still doing somehorsebarn construction work. Our bees are also constructing. Like mad. I did mention we got bees, didn`t I!? Right out of the trees :-) It seems they have decided to stay
The men at work. The making of the new stabledoor.
On the lower picture you can see the bees in the trees, where we "caught" them and put them in a wooden box, before we let them in the new beehouse. I managed to delete my e-mail account, the other day, by the way. Didn't mean to, of course. Just happened. Just like that. POFF! But I'm working on a revival. T.
2013-06-20 @ 21:21:37 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Lucky us

At least we have enough of it. Good to live in the mountains, So we only get wet feet. Not even water in the basement. Lucky us. And we all have clean rubberboots now.
And a clean dog:
But Julia (the family-clown) almost got muddy:
Her mum saved her in the last moment - after making the picture, of course :-) T.
2013-06-03 @ 13:32:35 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (2) Trackbacks ()


Mokka buttercream cake:- a totally new experience :-)
Now the boy is a swede for always and ever. Like his little big sis.
Birthday weather (same as most of may-days)
Birthday activity ( except eating cake)
This is the most common family activity lately; changing the old cowbarn into a neat horsebarn. That's why we needed that extra hole in the wall. The hole in the roof is now waterproof. Actually we made it waterproof the very next day, what was important as it continued to rain, that very next day. It's been raining a lot lately. And snowing.
So now the next project is to fix the stairway up to under the roof......... :-) T.
2013-05-30 @ 20:09:18 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Project # 2

The hole in the roof:
More on this subject some other time :-) T.
2013-05-14 @ 21:06:35 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Projekt # 1

The hole in the wall:
More on this subject later. T.
2013-05-13 @ 21:02:19 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

More spring!

First lunch on the porch, this year :-)
First try to get a some colour on the legs.
Nikis efforts to get the front lawn snow free
Millions of crocus flowers popped out of the earth today, on our fields and lawn. It was the first really warm and sunny day this spring. Hurrah! Towmorrow is my first day in the beekeeper school. Have to pack my schoolbag, then off to bed :-) T.
2013-04-14 @ 21:32:36 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (1) Trackbacks ()

Spring - at last!

It seems..... At least it's raining, instead of snowing, since yesterday. The front lawn is still to 75% with snow. A thick cover, but if we get the promised sun and higher temperatures you can get get your wellingtons out of the cupboard, in Budapest :-) Skiteaching season ended last sunday. At last! This week I work(ed) 4 afternoons in Wally's Gwand. Coming week I'll attend a beebreeder/honeyproducer seminar in Imst. 0800h - 1700h monday to friday. I had myself tested for beesting allergy last monday. Negative. That's positive! All I know about bees, so far, is that they are striped. And make honey. Yummie. I'm sure it's gonna be interesting. One of the spring projects in here Schmieden 11 is to change to old cow barn into a fancy (cosy) horse stable, as the cows are gone.since last summer.
I just love having things renewed, start with new things, and learn new things!!! T.
2013-04-12 @ 12:10:37 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


Yeahhhhhh!!!!! The season is finished. Today. Had the last three lessons today. On Friday we had good afterworkparty. Thought I could start the party at noon, with the boss, but in the morning we got a new reservation - 2 more hours. No problem. But then - finished! I thought...... But the lady wanted to ski on saturday too. And on Sunday. Ok - of course, no problem. Saturday evening the lady cancelled. Yipeee, I have a family sunday - day off! Today, in the middle of breakfast the boss calls: If it would be possible to take 3 more lessons???? Of course..... But NOW - finito :-)))) Yes I now, I have a great job - BUT I'm a spoiled seasonworker and that is what it makes the job so great: it's only for the winter :-))))) Now other tasks are wating for me. Yipppeeeee! T.
2013-04-07 @ 20:32:31 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Waiting for spring

The horses wait. We all wait. The roe deers wait; they are hungry - in lack of grass they came to our house and ate all the little tulips trying to make their way out in the sun and warmth close to the front porch. Guess it's easier to feel sorry for our hungry neighbours in the forest, than getting upset because of some lost tulips. Julia brought out some hay-silo. Hope they enjoyed it :-) T.
2013-04-02 @ 20:39:46 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

1st of April

- 13° C this morning. Brrrrr. But it looks nice, doesn't it!? Julia and Niki went skiing, Emil and I went to work - but in the end, we spent the day on the same mountain :-) T
2013-04-01 @ 19:14:23 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()


It's been snowing all day long. Had two skilessons. Wild boar for lunch. The family cooked while I was on the pist :-) Yum, yum. Took a nap. Went for a short ride. Read in my book. Ate lots of chocolate (haven't had any sweets for 40 days!) Saw a good film in TV. Glad pask!
2013-03-31 @ 22:03:23 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Winter history

... but the winter isn't history yet, noooooo - it's still snowing (right NOW), though the few sunny days
we had, have reduced the amount of snow some. Skiteaching season is coming to an end. Sooooon! Monday, or so. Has a few days off. One of them all four of us spent in Ischgl, the yearly family reunion with Uffe & co.
It was a wonderful day - as always:-) Tomorrow we might have bad weather. I would like some REAL bad weather, so I can stay at home, reviving my blog, or something like that. Or bake a cake. Or AND bake a cake...... T.
2013-03-29 @ 17:01:47 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (0) Trackbacks ()

Around the house

Here I am again, bragging about our lovely home. At least I think it's lovely.We think it's lovely. And I love to show it.
With all the lovely snow and the blue sky.......
We can ski all the way down to the front door:-) This was Niki(twice)and Julia the other day.
Don't the construction containers gives our little village a hint of siberian flair?
Yesterday Emil and Niki went out in the woods, on snow shoes, to collect some "branch hooks" so our guests (you????) in the attic room, do not have to put there clothes on the floor - some time in the future. Welcome to visit our paradise! T.
2013-02-18 @ 20:44:47 Permalink Allmänt Kommentarer (2) Trackbacks ()

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