
It has been loooong days on the skislopes lately; first one week with 6,5 hours a day, then this past week it was 7h a day. That's on the limit. But tomorrow it will hopefully be less. The fridge is empty and Emil and me are going to Lidl NOW to fill it up. And we are going to have a lecker Döner to eat :-) ..... and my trigeminus is trying to kill me, but I wont let it!!!!!!! T.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.......

Fresh picture, from friday morning, i.e. today!
As you can see, it is snowing. It has been snowing all week long. Every day. Before that we had wind and rain. Huiii. Sometime before that, it was cold - but not THAT cold actually. Only -17° C or something like that. Occasionally we had sun, in Janurary. This winter, so far, all ski instructors are pretty pale. Rather redcheeked from snow, rain and wind. But right now, skiing is gorgeous.I had two really good kids, private lessons, all week long, in the afternoon, with whom it was great fun skiing. They would follow you everwhere. Often it's more about going skiing with some kid or kids, As I wrote so many times; nice job:-) Since end of january the whole family is assembled again. Niki finished his exchange semester in Denmark, 3 weeks ago. Emil and I went to Sönderborg and brought him and all his stuff ( and some stuff of friends) back home. After one week off, he began an internship at Multivac, Lechaschau. Near Reutte. Julia also came home from Innsbruck, for some lecture- and examfree weeks. She is also going to help out in the skischool next week. It's fasching. Carneval. The village is crowded!!!!!! T.

Did it!

Cross country skiing classic style (diagonal) was good, but not as relaxing as I remembered it, as we tried it out in Höfen, every once and a while :-) Actually I'm glad it wasn't relaxing. I want to sweat and get tired when I do sports!!!!! Yipeeee.... T. PS That x-mas tree picture wasn't the very best - I know........ (but the very fastest!) And - I DID clean out my server post box TODAY. Well - Julia did, but now it's empty and waiting for FUNNY food!
Our Serranoham. Now eaten, the leftovers and bone we brought the snow foxes on Emil's mountain.

Day off

Today was my first whole day off, since sometime before Christmas. Used the to throw the christmastree from the balcony, loudly singing "Nu är glada julen slut, slut, slut......" Julia too. It was naked since Knut, though. The tree! We just hadn't a good oppurtunity to throw AND sing. Veeeery important :-) Before we got rid of the spruce, we hiked, on ski, (randonnée) to Jochstadl, Wannejoch. The next door skiarea. As Emil left for work, at 8 am, Julia, Pontiac and I started off for Schattwald (the village where Wannejoch is situated. It was a very beautyful morning. Not sunny, but still...... After reaching the Jochstadl, we had a hot chocolat. Yummmi! I had (to have) a schnaps. It's very difficult to get out of these "hütten" without schnaps. Especially so soon after New -Year. Julia skied down then, Pontiac and I took the chairlift. My knee was not adjusted for downhill skiing and for Pontiac it's bad to run downhill on a hard skipist. We try to save him a bit, to keep him in good shape. Then I baked some of my special spelt/oat breakfast crackers and a fruit cake, à la Emy. Yummmi! And THEN I went to the sport shop and lent me classic cross country equipment. I want to try it out, if it's more suitable for wrecked knee and more or less wrecked back, than skating. Tomorrow I only have 2 hours lesson and Wednesday none again. Maybe...... Thursday, Friday and Saturday will definitely be days off. The first two day we (Emil and I) need for picking up Niki in Denmark. Lot of stuff to bring home. For example a bike and a reindeer horn :-) Bulky stuff!! Saturday is reserved for a family excursion to a motorcycle fair in Friedrichshafen. And NOW I'm going to watch television. My TV-evening, with 3 series in english. Fabolous! T.

Happy New Year!

Another Julia-birthday. Another new years eve. Same procedure as every year! The only change was that Emil didn't fall asleep playing Memory. And - that Julias boyfriend Martin spent the 31st with us.
Same gifts as every year; book, socks, firework.......
This years cake was a ginger cake, with some cream cheese/lemon filling. Goooood! The roses glow in the dark - probably radioactive :-) Cooooool!
May I introduce - Martin!
Firework over Tannheim. Welcome 2013! I wish you all a great year! T.

Hope you had a .....

(if Grand(o)pa) at the far right is halfed or quartered it isn't my fault!) (as far as I know......) Wish you all continued happy, relaxing, funny, cosy etc,etc Christmas holidays, as far as you have any. T. ..... - by the way; I managed to prepare a most delicious wild boar filet on christmasday and a just perfect sauce, flavoured with, among others, gingerbread and port. Served with homemade "spätzle" and red cabbage. I very proud of me! Most people manage to cook delicious meals 7 days a week, I know. But I don't!


I.e. Christmasprepaparation the cosy (swedish)(schmiedisch) way. But first you have to be "driving home for christmas......."
And here the making of the ägglikör/eggtoddy that I m sipping waiting for the pictures to download - yumm yumm.....


I just have to make an insert with a date like this ; 12/12/12. Did anybody get married? Did I miss something? It was a long day, so the insert will be short. A picture of SchneEmil in action is suitable, I think, because it's gonna be a coooooold night with lots of snowmachines to attend to

Today ( sat.8/12 )

Now, in the evening, the sky is clear, the sky is filled with (visible!) stars. Julia and I finished gingerbreadbakery part one. After that we got hungry and had some of our new Serranoham and a beer. Earlier today I went for a small ride with Norka (the old little brown one). Julia went for a real ride with Hombre ( the wooly "white" spanish one ), For lunch I cooked a Gulasch ( in Emmas old huge yellow ironpan), the I checked all the little lightbulbs of the electric candles for the windows. Now I feel very content, will grab my book and read a chapter or two - or three or four......... SchneEmil is already asleep - he came home around 9 pm, had some of the good ham. He put the alarm on 2 am, to get out in the cold night and check on the snowmachines, to nock off ice. And I may stay in my warm bed :-) T.


Since my last insert our valley turned white. About half a meter. And it's still snowing. This afternoon we went for a ride, or rather a walk on horseback, through the forest It was me and Julia, Pontiac, three horses and the mule. It was so calm, no noisy tourist, no traffic - like in a winter fairy, the trees covered in snow, some branches bent to the ground. Now it's evening, it's warm and cosy in the house, Julia and I just made a gingerbreaddow. The cook-book says it should rest in a cold place over night, and if the cook-book say so......... :-) SchneEmil, the snowman, is out there in the night making some extra snow, 'cause they need a lot of that white stuff for the skiers, next weekend. Julia and I have cosy reading evening, waiting for schneEmil. This is what I call advent! T.
This is Sidney, "our" mule. Snowfotos will follow tomorrow. This is only that it doesn't look so empty.....


Last sunday, new (for us) little mountain of the Tannheimer range. Zinken. With holes in it. Looks exciting, doesn't it. For max size L :-)
As usual I only came along to take pictures. That diesel I bought wasn't THAT extraordinary after all - got the bill today and with VAT it's 1,39 sharp. The cheapest you get here is on Fernpass - 1,43.9 T.


University of Southern Denmarkt - very fancy and modern, inside aswell as outside.
Sönderborg is situated on an island, so lots of water and shores. This is an impression from Niki's backyard, so to say. We skype a lot and put a lot of pictures in our drop-box. Well, have to hurry up! Am on my way to Innsbruck, to pick up Julia and to buy a battery-charger for the BMW. Did some severe "shopping" on monday, by the way: bought 978 litre of diesel fuel for the fabolous price of Euro 1,15 :-) Isn't that nice?!?!!!!! T.

November pictures

This, for example, is typical for November. To be exact November 11.
... and the snow is gone, down here
- the sheep are still on their pasture,
Emmas and Britas tree got a new twig cut - and the twigs got chopped by our new toy
Pumpkinquiche out of homegrown pumpkins :-) And I like my new job, by the way. T.


Grrrrrrr! I just downloaded some pictures in my previous insert. I thought. Here another try. Please scroll for context. Grrrrrrrr!
Did it work? / T.

New month! New job!

Second new job this year. You may not let life turn into boredom!! Yes, I got the job in Wally's G'wand - the fashion-,shoe- and decoshop in Hotel Jungbrunn. Our neighbours. 43 hours a month, that's enough for an indoorjob :-). Usually I help out 10.00 - 12.00, occasionally 4 hours am or pm. The dresscode is not as bad as I expected. Jeans, good shoes and prefereably some shortsleeved thin upper part. It's sooooo warm in the store. It's an easy job, I don't actually have to sell anything, most people find what they want on their own and I just have to take their money. Sometimes show other sizes or get something from one of the many decorationvitrins. And wrap things up nicely. Time flies, that's a good sign. Wally's sell a label called Elisa Cavalletti. Real nice things. And Louis Trenker-fashion ( holladrio!) and TimeZone.

Of course normal life continues; monday Julia stayed home from "school", extra, to help me taking ram Lysander to the vet. He got castrated, poor guy. But Julia and I realized that having 4 wisdomteeth removed, at one time, is worse. Lysander is already jumping along with the others. In the snow!
Before the first snow came (in october!!!) I saved the last flowers. I made a tasty bagle out of some of them.

And I go for rides, go to Power yoga weekly, walk up to Emil on his mountain (fast - of course!). Last sunday was the last day of the hikingseason and now they have to get ready for skiingseason. So the snow is OK on Emils mountain, but down here I would be happy with some more sunny days with green grass. And the horses would be happy too!https://cdn3.cdnme.se/cdn/9-2/448429/images/2012/2012-10-24_150216_509aa379e087c37697ebb31d_thumb.jpg



October 26 in 1955 the new Austrian republic signed a treaty for everlasting neutrality and the leftover soldiers of WW II left. That's the shortversion. If it's a wrong shortversion I'm sure Niki will write a comment with correct informations :-)
Tomorrow we are expecting snow. Real snow, all the way down to the doorstep. So today Julia and I are removing fences and balcony flowers. Yesterday we fenced the sheep to a barn, where they have a good shelter. And we changed to wintertyres. We are ready! The winter may come. But I do hope only for a short visit, because to my opinion it's faaaaar to early for snow and freezing colds.
This week I got a phone call from Jungbrunn. They offered me a job. They need someone to help out in their shop "Wally's G'wand". They sell Landhausmode. Country-, alpstyle-, tradiotional fashion. And kitschige accessoirs. I said yes, let's give it a try. Money is money! So this afternoon I'll give it a try. Or - they will try me :-)
What on earth shall I wear? To be honest, I have my doubts, but it might be an interesting experience:-))))) Anyhow - it's a good feeling to be offered a job out of the blue.

I'll report.
If these (above seen) letters should prove to be a picture, it show the bottom of Höttingergasse (the dark gap) in Innsbruck. Where Julias and Nikis flat is situated.


Ride in Ötztal

This should be a picture and on that picture the missing horse to the far right should be seen. Now the dog is on the far right and therefor invisible.



https://cdn3.cdnme.se/cdn/9-2/448429/images/2012/2012-10-15_111554_508a4abae087c337822f0bd5_thumb.jpgLook, Julia's got her own snowchaines!

Grrrrrr......! See previous insert!

Det var faktiskt TRE ryttare, fint fördelade i bilden. Why does a third of the picture disappear??????

Some pictures

Let's start with today. Yes ! Really today, october 23rd.
Time to get the leaves together - on saturday it's supposed to snow. Hard to believe, but probably true. Likely it's going to get green for a while again - at least down in the valley.
Sunday the 14th Julia participated on an orientionride (swenglish???) together with some other Tannheimer.
Me on my birthdaybridge. Me looking down from my birthdaybridge.
Emil has got a cold, but he will survive. I'm sure. I've started with poweryoga. Thursday evenings in Reutte. Fun, and definitely with power. Last sunday, i went mountainbiking. Lohmoos, a standardtour, so to say. First up, the down. I guess the good bike will stay in the garage now, until next spring. Will that take long????? T.

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