..... I had the intention to write under the title Today, but today Yesterday is more suitable for my insert. I was just tooooo lazy yesterday night. Yesterday we were on skiholiday again, see, Emil and I. All yesterday :-) In Lech- Warth this time. The two areas are now connected by an aerial tram. Just perfect. The skiarea is not as big as Ischgl, but big enough. It's connected to Zürs too. And Stuben - and from there isn't it very far by bus to StAnton. Camilla, Anders, Hilda and Maja came to ski/eat/drink/sunbathe in Lech with us, that very day. That was great. My friend Lillemor, also came to Lech with the bus that day, with the intention to have a fika and a chat, which I intended too, but unfortunately she had hurt her hand, couldn't ski and I didn't make it into the village. I was too timeoptimistic, as so often. Next time, Lillemor:-))))))) Such a skiday is júst toooooo short! As we were finished with skiing we were veeeery hungry, Emil and I, so we stopped for a pizza in Elbigenalp/Lechltal and a beer. Delicious!
Morning coffebreak is veeeery important.
We had a great day.
Today we were back to work and it'a snowing again. Good. We need that snow.

Yesterday (wednesday 12/2) Emil, Julia and I spent in Ischgl. We even spent the night from Tuesday to Wednesday in Ischgl, as Uffe had a spare room in his huge KiWi appartement. We gladly accepted the offer to use it. Thanx! So, we were able to have a glass of wine together, we even got pizza and Lillyfee Muffins. Yummmie!
We, the not allweeklongskiholidayers, went up early in the morning, breakfasted some pizzaleftovers and then left for the freshly prepared pists (without disturbing the real swedes) and took the fist cabin up at 08h30. It was a bit cold ( -13° + strong wind and snow some places) but it was worth it. Empty virgin pists for 2-3 hours :-) The visibility was perfect at all times, but as I said (wrote) it was empty and fresh prepared: no problems. Around 11.00 we had hot chocolate, then we continued skiing wiht those swedish skiholidayers, the Sandberg clan. At this time the sun had found the way through the snowclouds and plenty of skiers the way up to the top. But it was warmer, and thanx to the good weather you could now see the bumps, that were not there in the morning.....
My new skies are great, by the way.
Before we went home (a 2hours drive) we had a beer (non-alcoholic for the driver) at "Nikis Stadl". Same procedure as every year!!!!!
From left to right: Me (so hungry and thirsty I cannot stand straight up, it seems....), Uffe, Julia, Marleen, Maja, Hilda. Linda and Florian joined us later.
75% of the Lechleitners (poor Niki couldn't join us this time - had to stay in Glasgow and "work")
...... and some more of Julia:-)
It was a great day! Thanx everybody!

The first tulips
No, no - they are not in our garden yet, I bought them at Lidl, they are pink and they give me a feeling of spring. Like the birds singing in the trees and like the warm winds. Though - we got some mm:s of snow last night, sometime after we got up (in moonlight) to Hubertushütte and down again. With the randonneeskis. Julia too :-) It was the first saturday night this winter, we went there. At Christmastime we were busy with other nice thing, then there was very little snow, the we got the flu! Yes, Emil and I had a real (bad) flu together and stayed home from work a whole week. When we got a little bit better, towards the end of that week, it was quite cosy beeing "legally" lazy together.
Now we are fit for fight again, Julia is home on winterholidays (came aaaallllll the way from Innsbruck) and on Wednesday we go for a skiholidy (aaaaaall day long!) to Ischgl. Uffe & Co. are there:tradition. Poor Niki has no winterholidays. Probably due to the lack of winter in Glasgow.....
This morning, 8 o'clock we watched men's downhill from Sotchi, Julia (as students have to earn money in their holidays) and I didn't start working until 10.00. Good timing. Austria got a gold medail, poor Body Miller was too slow again. Poor, poor him...... Yesterday austria got a silver medail in Biathlon - so now the state of Austria is content and felix. You often get the feeling, the worst thing that can ever happen to this country is that they don't get Olympic medails - especially in winter.
Well, I have the afternoon off and will grab a horse and the dog and take them for a walk. Or do they take me for a walk???
This is what our winter has been looking like so far.
- with lots of sunny days :-)

The winter so far
It started off early, with snow early november. And very low temperatures. Schneeemil made quite some snow. And that was the snow we have been skiing on so far, as we had rain and very warm temperatures over christmas/newyear-holidays. The higher slopes, with only natural snow, were very bad; looked like chocolate or stracciatella icecream. Especially the stracciatelly was very bad for the skis, and the result was a new pair. Bought them last week. Emil has been suggesting new skis for me, the last few years, but I was so happy with my poisongreen Kneissl Super Moto. But not even skis lives for ever, so now I have a pair of unspectacular Fischer skies, standing in the hallway, waiting for more snow to take me on a test ride. My green skis are now my best, of three, pair of duty skis in the skischool. Today we got snow, and todays job was quite nice; skiing with an 8 year old boy - a regular who follows you everywhere. But for my new skis I need mooooore snow.
Emil's got the flu. He'll probably be home all week. Hope he gets well soon, because he is suffering sooooo hard. Poor man!!!! Men....... :-)
The last week was calm, no skischoolkids for me, as I refuse to teach small ones anymore - they are too haeavy for me. My back tells me only to teach kids, who can stand up on their own. Every week I work 2 or 3 late afternoons in Boutique Wally's Gwand in Hotel Jungbrunn, so I don't get bored - used the last week to get rid of that fabolous Christmas, clean, wash, hike up to Emils Mountaintop with my "upwardsskis" (randonnée?!) in one hour !!!! yippeee! Without training :-) How good will I be WITH training????? Only, I don't seem to have any time- With pronounciation on SEEM, I guess. Because, I have to exercise three horses, one dog and ME. Exercising horses is fun, the dogs comes along and I sit on top and enjoy!
This is Tinka, in November. Tinkas owner works in Lech, since November, and we take care of her in all belongings during the winter.

......we're all still alive!
.....we all had a great Christmasholidaytime. In eleven months it's Christmas again - isn't that fantastic!!!!!
..... we baked gingerbreads. They didn't come out as goodlooking as they went in (the oven)
.... so we decided to eat them ALL ourselves. Please excuse us!
Niki brought Christmaspudding from Scotland - an interesting experience. Looks somehow like haggis....
I baked a cake for Julias birthday. Of course :-)
Happy 2014 everybody!
New Years morning everybody got some marcipan and made a lucky-charm-piglet for the vis-a-vis.
Julia and Niki were better artisans than Emil and I, but they tasted the same :-)
Nike enjoyed the country-life, before he went back to his city-life in Glasgow, on januar 11
I'll be back soon. Promise!

Glasgow in December
About 10 days ago we went to Scotland, Emil and I, to spend a few days with Niki, before going home together.
Easyjet wasn't as bad as I had it in mind, really
The ale, on the other hand, exactly as good as I had it in mind
.... and the decoration as colourful and bright as expected.
It was nice.
Now the entire family is at home, we baked pepparkakor today, tomorrow we wilel cxdfff23wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww sorry, that was a cat running over the keyboard .... now its sitting om my left arm and i ll continue 2morrow.

A special day in November
It's some time ago now, but, still, it was a specia and nice day. Niki came home from Glasgow, extra, for it.
Seems hungry, poor boy.Just arrived at the home-fridge and wiped out the leftovers of Emils birthdaycake in a jiffy.
Now to the main event - the graduation ceremony
Then they were supposed to sing - what: of course, nobody did :-)
The social part was probably the best part - at least it took the longest time
Emil, Julia and I went to lunch, and after everybody else had looooong left the small-talk area, Niki followed and we had a real good meal together.
So, Niki's got his BSc, Julia is still working at hers.
Good kids. I'm very proud of them.

Today is Emils birthday. I baked him a cake. Of course!
Emil at work. The chairlift on Emils mountain has been renewed - old chairs brought down, new ones up.
Novemberview from Emils "office"
Happy Birthday Emil!

I.e. sunday tomorrow. Loooong weekend with austrian national day (26/10) all saints day and Julia home since wednesday. Good combination, those two holidays! Most of the week was quite nice, warm and rather dry - though the ground is soaking wet of lots of rain throughout the fall. This won't be of interest to a cityperson, but if you live in the countryside and if you, in particular, have a few animals, it's rather an item of interest. Yes :-) A horse easily loose a shoe in a muddy field, unless it's well ridden and worked and doesn't feel it has to race back and forth like crazy and at show the world the most artistic overground lessons. Called bucking, I guess......
Well, days are suddenly one hour shorter. Day in meaning of daylight. As we are an extraordinary "outdoorsy" family, we would prefer summertime about 10 months a year. In the deep winter, though, it's fine with earlier sunshine. Winter is not soooo far. Snow promised tomorrow, Would rather say " threatened with" this time of year. In the mountains it's OK, but I'd prefer autumn for one more month.
Where was I - kind of lost track here - skyped with Uffe and talked to a Furby. Ja, our horses moved in to the old cowbarn. Now it's a neat winterresidence for Norka and Hombre, who occupy the " new" corner, our "paying long-term guests" (a Tinker and a mule) are still in their old stalls in the opposite corner. Should be fixed by next year.
Fine thing! Have a look:

And these are my new sundayshoes

Last sunday, the 20th, to begin with, as I haven't got the new photos from this sunday yet; they are still hidden in the new camera, that we had to buy because I managed to crash the old one (just a little bit in a corner....) last sunday following Julia and Hombre, and a bunch of other riders, last sunday in Imst and surroundings; teams of two get a map with certain points they have to find - that's it. 20 km, lot of up and down, 3 hours ca. I rode my bike, escorted by Pontiac and going uphill on a róugh road, taking pictures without getting off, wasn't a very good idea - apparently... But as only the camera got hurt, no big deal :-)
Julias real horse and my "steelhorse" ready to go home.
It was a very warm and nice day. In fact we had such day all week, until this evening, as a thick wall of dark clouds came rollilng in with wind, hail and rain. Guess we have to put those wintertyres on the car, after all.....

Look - yesterday (friday)
.... but today it was friendlier, though still white (ca 15cm) due to the cold night:

Oktober 10,2013
This afternoon at 2 o'clock:
Awful - isn't it?!
A few hours later:
Cosy - isn't it?!
Saved some flowers today.
I had the day off today ( as so many other days :-))))) so I started with some Yoga at Hotel Jungbrunn, where I work in the Boutique, those days I do not have the day off, as you might know. 2 minutes (max) with the bike. As employee you can visit all yoga-, pilates-, tai-chi-classes etc etc. And use their luxury gym. I tried it out today too, for the first time since ages. It was fun! Probably I won't be able to move, tomorrow........ But if, at least a little (well, I HAVE to, have to work tomorrow!) Emil and I intend to go to a vernisage tomorrow. In the village. Lot of famous local artists. I think it will be Emils first vernisage ever and my first since I was a teenager and Emma forced me to accompany her to vernisages in Laholm, where there also where a lot of "famous" local artists, Emy called it "social duties" :-)
Julia has got a cold and will stay more one weekend in Innsbruck - because with snow and and a running nose, she couldn't go riding anyhow - so why come home........ :-))))) And she has to study.
Niki's doing just fine in Glasgow, and now has some projects going.We skype every other evening.

Nothing of very much interest
Days are getting shorter, life kind of slower. This was the carrot crop of the year:
These the beans:
The amount of potatoes and tomatoes was similar. No pumpkins this year, not even a tiny little one. But I bought a bright beautyful one the other day. I'm very happy that I do not have to grow my food, but can go to a store and buy it. A lot easier, but - not as fun as see it growing. IF it grows. Made tomatochutney of the tomatoes; all green and the biggest the size of a golfball. Just perfect for chutney! And we got quite a few berries; goosberries and red currant. And not to forget the honey:-)
Nothing very much exciting been happening lately, except that I saw the bottom of the "to-iron-basket" for the first time since I do not know when. Thanx Julia :-)
We had some rainy days and some bright sunny days. Today was one of the latter sort and I had the day off. So had Germany. Tag der deutschen Einheit. The German Reunion Day. The village was crowded, I made the mistake to go to the local store..... - needed red turnip for Pytt i Panna. Maybe I should have grown some?????? But in Schmieden 11 everything was calm, and before all those germans were finished with the breakfast and crowded the valley I went for a long nice "walk" with 2 horses and one dog (of course I sat on one of those horses!). After a sunny lunch I did some paintwork in our almost finished new luxury horsebarn.
Life hasn't to be exciting to be enjoyable. Not always.......... :-)

More Glasgow
The title of my last insert was Mission Glasgow Completed, well, by a second thought the mission is not yet completed, only part one; getting Niki started. Npw it's up to him to complete his mission. Heja Niki!!!!!!
Somehow I got kicked out, before I finished that last insert. Here are some more impresssions from Glasgow:
Teatime in Peoples Palace.
Yesterday Lasser Herrstedt came by and we went out for a beer and a wee bit to eat and had a good time. He reminds me of "Gubben i Ladan" - pops up suddenly and then he's gone again:-) I like that!
Tomorrow is Alpfahrt. Also known as Almabtrieb (for those who know). That means Emil and I will spend the evening in a huge loud tent together with 95% of Tannheims population.

Mission Glasgow completed
Last Friday the whole family left for Glasgow. Ryan Air from Memmingen to Edinburgh, than citylink bus to Glasgow.
Monday Emil, I and Julia returned and Niki waved us off at the busstation in Glasgow. Glasgow is a nice city, a bit crazy, new-old mix, construction worker in action at every corner, 7 days a week, as it seems.
This is where Niki intends to study and live for the next year. The university of Strathclyde was awarded UK Uni of the Year 2012. Patrick Thomas Court, on the contrary, where Niki has got a tiny room is very well used (VERY) and instead of fixing this and that they have seemingly decided to paint the doors bright and shiny red, in, what I guess, a weak effort to distract newcomers, and keep them from running away.
But the kitchen is large and the fridge new :-)
Here some downtown impressions:

Ready for Glasgow!
We successfully brought all this stuff into 4 x cabinluggage á 10 kg and one checked luggage á 20 kg. Included Emil, Julias and mine weekendstuff and toothbrushes. Puh! I hope Ryan Airs scale at the check-in is conform with ours.....
And Niki got his shoes of desire after all. As well a pair of good running shoes.
Now I'm looking forward to an exciting weekeind in Glasgow. I just have to take Pontiac for a walk, before we leave and fix a little of this and that........

Definitely autumn
Rainy morning but a wonderful sunny afternoon with clear blue sky. Next to the housewall it was almost hot, but a few meters out on the lawn you needed a sweater. The evening was chilly, I had to hold on tight to my glass of wine or it would have gotten to cold. We sat out there until it was almost dark, reflecting the day passed. Chilling might be a "new" suitable word.
Today I made the years first pumpkinsoup, bright and tasty (with coconutmilk, peanutbutter, ginger, orangepeel etc - and homecocked chickensoup as basis - the result is always a surprise :-))
Better be prepared for the heating season!

The summer started through
..... for another week. Not indian summer, no, real summer weather - with lukewarm evenings. And nights and mornings. For shorts and t-shirt. I love that! But now it's seems it's really coming to an end :-( Until it's time for that indian summer, that I love too, with fresh mornings and NO MORE FLIES. I'm getting tired of killin flies.....
Well, one of these wonderful days, we used for a little trip to Ischgl to have a cup of coffee at Idalpe, Emil, Niki and I.
Check it out! Idalpe in summer. Worth a visit! Absolutely!

By next sunday, by the way, this little boy should be installed in his accommodation in Glasgow :-)

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Summer coming to an end
... - tomorrow, if we my believe the weatherforcast. They are probably right. It's time. After that awfully cold summerstart we had a great summer, in the end. Today we picked the last berries, yesterday we brought in the last hay, but to some neighbour, as we can't need the second cut for the horses. In change we got their meadowhay, which they can't need so well for the cattle. Good swap. Today we also put up new fences for horsepastures, we've got the bees more or less ready for winter. And, yes, they made us 3 kg of honey, these busy bees. Thankyou, bees! So now we are looking forward to some nasty rainy, cosy evenings at the open fireplace instead of these warm long evenings filled with work and an afterworkbeer, until the moon came out.
Here some summermemories:
Soon all these nasty flies will be gone - hurray!!!
Cooling off in Lago Maggiore after a long hot day on the bikes
Nikis Gladiator - for three day.
And now the birds are gathering for their upcoming departure