
A couple of hours ago I came home with the kids. Kids? Niki is 20 and Julia 21... Big kids, in that case :-) I guess, for me they will always be the kids. Like I'll always be Mamma.
I "cooked" a big bowl of salad, reached with chickenbreasts. Standard friday afternoon food. Fast and easy, as I like it. It's even good! Thereafter, the first thing Julia always does, is to go for a ride. Sometimes together with me, on the little brown one. Nikis first way, is to check out his sheep. Pontiac jumps around like crazy with a ball in his mouth, and wants to play.
Weather is still windy, cold and wet but tomorrow we will actually start haying. Emil has been busy with preparing all machines, today. YIPPEEEE! Then, we really are promised summer for three whole days. WOW!
Innsbruck was warm. Julia and Niki came home dressed only in T-shirts and bermudas. Freezing :-) Will they ever learn? And I went to Innsbruck this morning, dressed in jeans, long sleeves and fleece. Sweating! Will I ever learn???
Fronleichnam - that's the name of another holy church holiday. Don't actually know what it's about. Have asked Emil a couple of times, but he doesn't seem to know either and Julia and Niki, too, seem to have been sleeping in the religionlesson where they have been supposed to learn it. Free (very free) translated, by me, it sounds like a " happy corpse"But what does it matter? The main thing is, it's a day off. At least for Julia and Niki, but they are in Innsbruck. Julia is learning for an exam on friday. Niki will probably sleep. He had his last exam and last day yesterday and has now official summerholiday and I guess he had a good party last night. Julia has another week to go plus some more exams. Emil is working. Makes me thing of the current discussion, here in Austria, whether allowing the stores to open up sundays, or not. I really don't see the problem! Lot's of people think it would be terrible to touch this holy sunday that you should spend with the family. And what do they do? They use public transportation, visit recreation areas and institution, eat out, go to the cinema, visit a museum etc. etc. All these upset sunday protecting people don's seem to think a second of all these other people working, to enable the "sunday off's" to enjoy a nice family day..... As if the sundayworker wouldn't have a family too?! And why not shopping on sunday? Without stress. I would suggest you should close down everything, only one sunday, to open up the eyes of everybody! But I enjoy this slow afternoon. Earned some nice money in the morning with the horses. My private little work, so to say. Yesterday was hot, then a big fat storm in the evening and today it's grey, chilly and slooooow. Tuesday was the summerday! Lasted all day, and it didn't rain until I served the desert on our little Midsommarparty with some friends. Intended to celebrate the family midsommar on friday, but Niki called off, he's on rescueduty friday night, he announced. Saturday is "barndance" and BBQ so we postpone sill & potäter until sunday afternoon. Without beer and snaps, then. Probably we have enough of that after the "barndance"..... :-)
Now it's raining again. Will do some cleaning and baking (only cause of the cakebakescent, of course...) and instead of riding the bike up to the top of Emil mountain; I'll but the bike on the rolls and bike on the porch. I got very wet yesterday while hiking with Mr. Sattmann. (that was the lunchrain - short, but very wet!) Don't need it two days in row.
Next week we have hope of sunny, dry summerweather. Hayingweather!!!! In that case: YIPEEEE!!!! Because after haying is Scotland on the programm! YIPPEEEEE! in that case....

The white one's new, andalucian style, "headset"
Glas Midsommar!!!! everybody out there :-)
Today is sunday. Today it is cold. And windy. Huiiii - with flying flowerpots! And rainy. And sometimes even a wee bit sunny. But it's not april. As I talked to Emil on the phone at lunch time, he told me it was snowing, on "his" mountain. He's on duty today. I just came back from a ride with guests; that is, I walked (real fast) and a mother with her daughter rode. The father was running back and forth with the camera.Summer business with horsebackriding is getting started, slowly, with customers coming every other day. Perfect! Then I have some outdoor activities for an Hotel, twice a week ( if I'm lucky).
I had my hair cut yesterday. "Summerhairdo". Happens twice a year.

We have summer once a week. Last week it was wednesday. Coming week summer is on tuesday, if one my believe the weatherforecast.
Yesterday the weather was even worse - rain and storm all day long. Real cooking and baking weather: Spaghetti Bolognese - one of the few dishes I'm good at:

I know..... - doesn't look very good, but it's not ready yet! Then I made some chocolat cookies - it smells so good. That's the main reason for me to bake, the scent MMMmmmm - when you come in wet and cold and stiff, from the dog - and horsewalk. And then an open fire in the fireplace...... Lovely! And a cup of tea.... :-))))
PS Our Innsbruck mini holiday was great! With STOMP (organized noise), good food on a terrace next to the river Inn, and even some successful shopping. And we visited Emil cousin, an architect who has a wonderful home ( if you like it green) just above Innsbruck, in a steep slope. It was like in a jungle where you can pick fruits from the porch.
Loooong weekend

The drinks: "Americanas"

The sunday walk with the dog took us up with the chairlift in Schattwald, at the very end of our valley. Up here we had a cappuccino and admired the valleywiew from the other end, so to say, before we headed down to Oberjoch (GER). There we enjoyed a wonderful glass of beer in the rare sun, before Julia picked us up.
Today, monday was a little bit sad; Knatte-nin "died". I helped her a little bit with a hammer :-)
I had to look it up, but only how to spell it - the name of the upcoming loooong weekend. In am. engl. pentecost. While writing the blogg in english I found how many words and expression I don't know or forgot. I rememberd "whitsunday" from school, but not the spelling.
Well, I'm kind of in a hurry. I intend to spend the with Julia, watching some innocent, funny, nice lovestory on television. We're alone at home; Niki just left for nightduty at the Red Cross and Emil is gone with a bunch of other Schmiedener guys to look at a woodchopping machine. The farmer community of Schmieden intend to buy a real BIG one.

Good night, Niki!

I love my kitchen! I don't necessarily love to cook, but to make it more funny I bought this yellow frying pan yesterday. You don't need any kind of fat for fry anything, we were told. But if anybody (except me) ever tried to make a wiener schnitzel without oil, you'll find out that it tastes like NOTHING! It works, yes, with a few drops of water, but it's not really tasty. So I made the rest, with FAT. But it works just fine with pancakes, I found out yesterday.
June is summer! No longer springtime. Guess it means I can take it easy now and do not have to RUN. That's true! All the plants are in the earth (except some spinach seed) and the winter cleaned away, lambs are born, fences put up; everythin at its summer place. Now I only run when I feel like it. For example, last thursday, when I "ran" up Emils mountain: kitchendoor to topstation in 55 minutes. Without being exhausted, that is. I'm satisfied with my first "alpine walking" for the season:-) I also take time to ride my bike (fast without dog, slow with), I take time for the horses, I take time for massages for the old rabbit Knatte, I take time for rightlegtraining ( "The wounded Knee") and tonight Emil and I took time for a slow afterwork beer after some sheepfencemoving.
And - I took the motorbike to Füssen to get my hands on some culture for the family: 4 tickets for Nabucco in August. Made an extra trip, before they get sold out.
And every day I absolve at least one cleaning unit, to soothe my housewifeconscience. Today I cleaned the oven. It looks like new, inside and outside, now. And I baked breakfastcrackers :-)
As you understand ( I hope) I'm having a good time!
The weather is a little weered, like a rainperiod; sun in the morning and evening, at noon the rain starts, accomapnied by thunder, mostly. Sometimes hail. Hope it will give in sun, because we want to make HAY!!!!
PS Actually I wanted to show the world my midlifecrisesoutfit, but the camerabattery is on loading...... Soooo sorry!