A grey sunday to chill
Niki is on Red Cross Duty. Julia is at home. Learning. Emil is at work. This weekend is a big crosscountryskiing event in Tannheim. Ski Trail Tannheimer Tal. In my better days (before my kneedemolition) I participated there too. Emil too. And yes, Niki once as well. That is the one and only day you have the oppertunity to ski 30 km without taking off the skis to cross roads. I imagine skating on the lakes in Sweden is similar, but not so crowded, probably. You can go on and on and once and a while you get a warm drink or a little snack from friendly helpers. I'm planning to try out the classic version of cross country skiing, so maybe I can do the tour again, some time.
Anyhow, I hope Niki doesn't have to reanimate any overambitious sportsmen......

This was last sundays waffeldesaster, by the way. No waffels today, But on March 25 I'll give it another try. With another waffeliron.

That waffelthing is older than me, I think. Shall I throw it away or sell to a Museum?

PS. Hey - I want congrats and hurrays for my 38th birthday!
Just friday
Yesterday I went to Innsbruck, to get JuNi back home. As usual. Niki has midtermbreak for 4 weeks now (WOW!) Julia has another week to go, plus a few exams.
Emil is on a Motorcycle Trade Fair in Friedrichshafen today, with a few boys of his age, looking for toys (for big boys). That's good :-) I think he wanted to buy boots. Maybe he even comes home with a BMW F800 GS.....?!

My new age
Snow report

More snow

Skischool called and told me todays lessons are cancelled :-( Second day in a row. Not because of snowfall, because of strong wind. Emil was blown off his mountain as well. "What shalls" ? Let's enjoy another cosy day at the fireplace:-)
Friday report
Today is my first day off since december 18 2011. That only due to bad weather. One could also call it cosy weather. In this case :-) The wind is howling round the corners and the air is filled with snow. The week started with sunny, clear icy days, though. Minus 18° C on monday. Perfect for icelaternproduction :-) They lasted only until thursday, when it all of a sudden got warm and started to rain. Not enough for not skiing, though! But windy enough to to blow Emil off his mountain, so to say. The top ski area was closed, and the T-barlift closed down as well at lunch, when the skischools were ready. So we both ( and dog)( of course) went to Innsbruck to bring Julia and Niki home. We wanted, as well, to take a look at the olympic fire in Innsbruck, where the first youth winter olympic games are held at the moment. Is that someting the world outside Tirol knows about????? Anyhow we didn't see any fire, not even with my fine binoculars.
Today I allow my self to be lazy; took a warm bath and a nap after a horse/dog walk with Julia. The fourlegged ones need their walk even in nasty weather. And I cooked a chicken. Yummi!
Found some fotos yesterday, hidden in Nikis camera since Christmas:
I got a very nice hat. Found out that it's also practical as bag....
Niki got a hat as well. Far too big, though, so insted he uses it to bring out hay to his sheep.
Julia found skis under the tree - long fast ones! Need to be tested in Ischgl soon :-)
Emil desperately on the search for a package with his name on it?!
Now I'll move on to the kitchen and produce some gravlaxsauce for tonight and some breakfastbiscuits for next week. Niki promised me a drink with ginger for tonight. Sounds interesting.
Nu är glada julen slut, slut, slut...
It's about the same amount of work and effort demanded putting up a christmastree as to throw it out and clean up after christmas. I had millions and billions of treeneedles on the floor, instead of on the tree, when we were ready with it. But it was a big tree (a threetree) with a big fat foot - look

Linda and Florian came last monday and stayed over night. This years first guests :-) Hope to get more!

I think they envy us a bit for our snow. And the mountains we have the snow on :-)
Some mountains are even pure snow

Niki and Pontiac on top of Mount Front Lawn 1126 over the sea. Today, sunday 15th of january.
It got cold, since last week. As I got back from Innsbruck, earlier this evening, the car showed 17,5 Celsius below. Great weather for Schneemil to make snow. Saturday he was at work for 20 hours. Today he had the day off, and has only been gone for about 6 hours, till now. But he isn't at home yet.......
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow......

We got loads of snow during the last week, more coming down. Great for skiing and not too bad for riding. In fact great for everything, as long as you don't have to go anywhere by car. Like to Innsbruck, this afternoon. Julia and Niki have to get back to "school". Many roads are blocked by fallen trees...... hmmmmm - maybe I should take some coffee and sandwiches with me, for the trip today?!?!
Had a lot of work christmas/new year. Skied non-stop from 9.30 to 16.00 everyday (except 1/1). Today I only have two lessons and maybe coming week will be calmer. Probably! Though I don't mind working all day :-)
Happy New Year!

The last gingerbread. Today, the first of january 2012, we'll eat it. One piece for everybody.
Christmas is over. Quiet and peaceful, good food and good drinks.
Julias 22nd birthday is also absolved. Quiet and peaceful. This years cake was a carrotcake with macadamia cream and a creamcheese icing. Quite good, if I may say it myself..... Not very spectacular though, ecept for the cakefirework.

New years eve, we spent at home, as usual. With cheese fondue, as usual. And "Dinner for one" on TV, as usual.
We played cards and Emil did'nt fall asleep. That's definitely NOT usual :-)
Well, I wish all readers a great new year, but now I'm off for the pist. Only one lesson today. Tonight we all participate at the yearly new year torch skiing, from the top of "Emil's mountain". Unless it's raining or storming.....
