Looooong weekend

This is our new Friggebod - at least it's going to be it when it's ready.

Today was sunny, windy, not too warm, reminded me of Sweden. Nice :-)
-Emil was at work. Niki, Julia and I cleaned the paddock, mucked out the sheep house, among other things.
Tonight Emil and I are invited to a birthday party. To be on the safe side, we'll go by bike.......
Happy Whitsun Holiday everybody!
May 24

The masterpiece! Doesn't look exactly as in the cookbook - but it's similar - and Niki was content :-)
Pre-summer back
It's saturday evening. I sit in front of the house, glas of red wine next to me, birds singing. Niki is on night duty at the ambulance station, Julia will soon leave for a school class meeting. A cat is keeping me company, the dog just left for nextdoor, to check if Emil is still there. For those, who don't know our next door; it's a Gasthouse, one could say pub. A villagepub. Next door :-) Who's got that? Emil has been out fixing the road to Usseralpe today, together with, at least one person from each house (the houses thus have been here since "ever). It's called agrargemeinde, the rural community, of Schmieden. There are mostly 2 day you have to do some kind of work every year. Well, afer working together comes drinking beer together. That's the logical order :-)
I've been moving pots and plants today, as well as mending some favourite clothes and shearing a sheep. Maresi, the last one, that got the lamb the other day. I think she was happy to get rid of her winterfur now. But she was surely aswell glad to have it the last couple of days.....
Julia and I went for a bikeride today. We were out on a special mission :-))) Business, one might call it.
The cookies I made yesterday, are almost all gone. Tomorrow you won't find a crumble. But that what cookies are for - to be eaten!
I'm baking
Yepp, that's what I'm doing right now. And I drink tea. Sweet Chai Tea. Lots of aromas, probably no tea, but good. French is, by the way the only language (that I know) that has got an own wörd for tea without tealeaves in it: infusion. That's a good thing. It's cold, although everything is green again. Yesterday it looked like in the middle of the winter. Felt like it too! Tomorrow we may expect 27° degrees C according to the weatherforcast.
Yesterday was a holyday. Kristi Flygare. We installed the flowerirrigationsystem we bought on wednesday. That was the day all that white stuff came down from the sky and we were not sure at all if we would do it all the way up home again, with our summertyres. Excitement in a less pleasant way. But we made it home without incidents. Some didn't - the ones standing wrong way round or in the ditches.......
Emil has, more or less, finished our new Friggebod, this weeek; it has got walls and a roof. And a floor. That's what one mainly need to keep things dry :-)
Cookies are ready! Brownies and dreamies. MMmmmm.
I haven't been trying very hard with the photo-part on this new laptop, I'm afraid. I do like to work with a computer as long everything just work, like always. I definitely do not like to change and install things, and things I do not like to do takes a little longer....... :-) (That's the part about prioryties, I guess?!)
Summernight's dream
Actually the evening is faaaar so warm and sunny to sit at a computer and write a blogg - unless you have a laptop :-)))))))))).
Today we have summer. Real summerweather, at least. Yesterday too. Tomorrow we are promised snow in the mountains. If you live in the alps, you have to cope with fast weatherchanges. Store hotpants next to gloves and wollen hood. Never gets boring.
Today we enjoyed the summer with a bike tour. Mountain bike. Yesterday we took our bikes (yes OUR BIKES), the motorized ones, on a virgin trip. Legal, with registration plates. Our bikesS, because we kept the old XT and gave it it's own numberplates (instead of changing with the BMW, what's legal but you can only drive with one at the time; Wechselnummer); BI 53 and BI 54. So Emil and I drove away, each with it's on bike. Me on the old one, of course...... (but I have tested the new one too, of course!!!!) We left the XT in a garage, though, for service, beacaus it should bring me to Andorra, and back, in September! We have decided to go with two bikes :-))))))
Well, Julia and Niki come home from Innsbruck, this afternoon, now we've just finished our BBQ afternoon. I'm still at beerdrinking, Julia's wathing icehockey WM, Niki left with the MTB, Emil's hammering at the friggebod. Very idyllic. So here I am, with my new laptip on top of my lap, sitting on my freshly painted front porch bench(es). Red, this time. Last time they were green.
By the way, Julia found out, the dentist pulled out all 4 wisdomteeth, not only three, as she believed. Seems she lost conrol after the first three. Who wonders???? But she looks normal again, not any longer as Miss Nixon. And she can eat MEAT again.
Tomorrow I'll give it a try with the photgraphies, in my blogg.
My new e-mail: [email protected]
I'm still alive! But the old computer is dead. So is my Outlook Express :-( I've got a new nice laptop here, and I'm trying to figure out how to find to all my old stuff and maybe get my self a new e-mail adress. If it doesn't work I'll ask Manfred, my computerguy - but first I want to try alone!
All the snow is gone now. So is our blue bird Sunny:-( Maybe he turns up tomorrow, again, when he gets hungry..... As long he hasn't got eaton by some other hungry animal......
I'not really in the mood of writing, rihgt now. I'm frustrated by the loss of my e-mails! I think I'll give Manfred a call, after all, hmmmmm.....