As I drove over Fernpass, Loreen called and and told me she would have her horse put down, by the vet, in the afternoon. What shall I do?, she asked between the sobs. Loreens horse live in our stable. Lived! If it had been my horse I would have let him die weeks, or even months ago. He had arthritis and strong pains and could hardly walk. At the end he fell on his way out and blocked the door and couldn't get up anymore. Poor thing! After several phonecalls, Emil decided to get home from work and drag the horse out so Opa didn't have to climb over a dead horse to melk the cows. I was lucky to be far away :-) And tonight Emil has to bring the carcass 20 km, over Gaichtpass, to a "deadanimalgatheringplace". In heavy snowfall it's long ride with the tractor. But I'm lucky and can sit here in the warmth and drink "glögg" and hope I don't have to go and rescue someone stuck in the snow.
Julia is dogsitting this weekend. The vet's dogs. In Reutte. So she's gone for the evening. During the day she brought them up to Tannheim, and we wen't for a horsebackwalk through the snowy forest. Great! With three happy dogs running and playing along, even greater!! Then we had tea, made a fire in the fireplace and watched The Pirates of the Caribbean, Part I ( one of my absolute favourite films. That is a typical LED :-) Emil was on a seminar for pistrescuers. In Innsbruck!
Niki moved back into his own room again, yesterday, after almost 6 months in Emma's "cosy corner". That's the time it's been taking to fix his old room after changing the window, in June. Seems to have been a lot of LEDs in between. Or outdoor HEDs.... However, now everything is freshly painted (much yellow) and almost as new.
Ah, Emil is back - mission completed. I guess he's hungry:-)

Next sunday....
Julia and Nike are hardly gone, and I already look forward to next thursday, when I can go and get them again. But at the same time I look forward to the coming three days, when I can be put my throttle on full speed and do lots of must be done's. And lots of like to do's.
As I thought, the weather was very springtimelike, last monday, so I did wash and wax the car, as planned. And not only the car, even tractor got a wash and a little polish.

And just for the fun of it, Emil gave his darling a small "facelift" :-)
Tuesday was real nasty, so I went to fill up the foodstorages, and did some painting, washing and cleaning and oter boring things. No!- I like painting! That's something you can admire for a looooong time.
We had a little bit of snow again, tuesday, and sun on wednesday so I just HAD TO let the white one run to Vilsalpsee in the sun in the fresh snow at lunch time. A dream!!!! It was soooo beautyful and it's so great to be carried around by Hombre, the dog racing along. I rode bareback, that's warmer. WOW! To be honest I went for a good ride on monday too, over pastures in the sun...... WOW. I really like this time of year; hardly any people around, no fenced cattle, you can ride over almost all the fields.... With a good effort ( very good effort) you could imagine you would ride over the prairie :-) It is indeed very beatyful in Tannheimer Tal, but a little bit crowded. Don't misunderstand me, please, I don't complain. Got an e-mail from a friend of mine today, living in Ruhrgebiet, Germany. She wrote, she needed 1,5 hours to go to work. And to go home, the same time. I guess that's crowded! And she can't even drink the pipewater. I can drink pipe water, if I want to, but right now I enjoy a glass of wine. Maybe that's why I slipped off the tema a bit??
Well, the kids are gone. Again. We had a nice weekend, as always. Did some gardening...

As it was Emil birthday on Saturday, I decided to cook something special: Wild boar (-pig, -pork??? At least wild-!). Mother would have been proud of me :-)))) I wouldn't dare to say that often, but this time - YES! Cooked it in red wine and juniper, as Mamma taught me to :-) And now I try to get rid of the leftover wine....
(...... when I try to get rid of the leftoverwhisky, from the whiskycake I baked, I will better NOT write!)
Fast weatherchanges here, as allways. One week winter, one week fall, one week spring. Only the real summer weeks are a bit rare. Even in summer!
F1 was very exciting today. My second favourite, after Webber, won: Vettel. I believe the most sympathetic team (in spite of being austrian....) made it, Red Bull! Noe we all have to wait until March 13 (I think it is) for the next start. Until then we, luckily, have all the downhill races to watch. Couchsport! Very cosy :-)
This was the only real "sport" we did today:

A walk throuhg the forest. Guess what we carry!? The winner gets a bottle of wine. (What else???) To share with me. To be on the safe side, the winner should bring the wine, as I have a bad reputation as wine buyer.....
Julia went for a ride instead....

The the youngsters even had some to learn, befor leaving again this evening

If we get another warm and sunny day tomorrow (before the next snow) I intend to wash and wax the car. Sounds good, doesn't it?!
....., Thursday, Friday,......
This week was a nice week! As most weeks are :-) Todays drink is Bitter Lemon with Vodka. Yummi! The snow is now all gone, to a level of about 2000m. Hard to imagine that I fighted my self up to Emil on his mountain (750 altimeters) two weeks ago, through kneedeep snow, with, snowshoes. It's been raining all day and it was real windy, with stormy moments. Most of the evergreen branches I put on the balconies, the other day, (instead of flowers) were spread over the neighbourhood. It was a very swedish day, referring to the weather. I like that! Now and then..... Cosy. We decided to have lunch in front of the TV, with sparkling fire in the stove, of course. On Tuesday I recorded MONK on RTL - I thought!!!!! Turned out to be maybe only 3/4, we noticed today. Grrrrrr...... The moment as Trudy wanted to tell Adrian, on a tape he found in an old package, the probable reason why she got killed 12 years ago -.... bzzzzzzz Sendepause!!!!!! So mean!!!! Anybody saw it? Ooohhhh - it was hard, but at last I managed to accept that I probabley never will find out what Trudy said and how Monks life got saved so I went for a walk in the rain, instead. Guess there are worse problems in the world :-)
Yesterday Emil had the day off and had two tickets for Agro Alpin (fair) in Innsbruck. There you find the most incredible machines, for agruculture on steep mountain slopes. All high-tech. Bet no one would produce these things if EU wouldn't be so genourous, other wise no mountainfarmer would afford them.....
Well, since yesterday the house is a bit more lively again, though Julia just drove off to Reutte, to go out with her old classmates. But Niki is around. He went out and had fun in Innsbruck, during the week, he told me, so he needs to learn a little tonight, it seems..... Did I tell that Emil and I have started taking dance lessons by the way? Every Thursday! Incredible, isn't it? We'll see, if the dancing teacher will stand the next months without a nervous breakdown.....
.....hmmmm - where will the next journey take us????
PS .... and Wednesday was sooooo wonderful. Took a looooong ride in the sun, on the white one, accompanied by doggie-woggie.
Found it :-)
The hardcore part of the family started before 0700

.... then we all continued to about 1000

A most perfect beginning of a sunday!
Upcoming sunday we'll have a F1-glass-of-wine in the early evening instead. I hope we manage to see the start before we have to bring Julia and Niki to their "Innsbruck Taxi" in Reutte.
Today we had just wonderful autumn weather. Perfect for gathering leaves (- now that the snow is gone and the leaves are down)

Emil brought away all the manure into the fields, horses and sheep enjoyed a (probably last) day on the pasture, Julia and Niki were just around -learning, running (yes! they've taken up running together!), eating, having a good time. Then we finished the day with the Haloween left-overs: pumpkinsoup - a good hot and spicy one,mmmmm!
Instead I started to write and explain what excellent quality our shower cabin is, but as I wanted to fill in something in the context, the new letters started "eating" the old ones. I just hate that! I'm sure there is a simple solution to the problem, yes....... Well, that cabindoor is 20 years old ( you can't see it, I assure!) and still going strong. NEHER - good old german quality. We have opened the door (three parts to push together from either side) from the right till now, but as it started to go a little bit "ruppig" we all started to open it from the left. Works as it was new. So, now it will be interesting to get to know if the showerdoor will hang on another 20 years or if it will give up forever, tomorrow, because I wrote this about good quality.....
Back to normal
On Wednesday I just enjoyed backtonormality and did nothing special. Even took an extra morning nap, awaiting the sun to come up behind the mountains, after the family left for the day. Almost like holiday :-) Today I hauled a horse to Saarbrücken, like so many times alread. Round trip about 900 km. I enjoy these long hours on the road, with only me, myself and I. And the horse, of course. The autumnnature was soooo beatyful. At the way back home, I alwas pass this sign with PARIS and it's soooo hard not to turn off and go there. And then through France, across the Pyrenées, through Spain. To Linda! I like to drive. Think it's in the family.
Well, today is Thursday. Good children went to the supermarket in their way home from Innsbruck, as they had the car this week, and as I got home, supper was ready. Weisswurst mit Bretzge. Und a bier. Now I sit here with a Campari Soda, tonights thursdaydrink, an communicate with the world out there. Nice.

Picture from last fall, but could have been made yesterday......

Here she is, our little Oma.
Flyers like these are brought to the neighbours and friends. Personally. We did it on Friday, Emil and I. Walked around in Schmieden and had one glass on Oma here and one there. Luckily not everybody was at home........ :-)
Tomorrow evening is funeral. At last. The coffin is standing in the cemetery chapell since Saturday and twice a day we have to go there with Opa (Emil senior) and stand around and look sad. And freeze. So tomorrow, at last, she may rest in peace, little Agnes.
Naturally I think back on Mammas prefuneral time. Much more easy. Her ashes stood in a pot on the table, flowers and candles next to it, warm and cosy in the living room. An angel sitting on the lid. Passing by you could say hello, or just sit there and read and write or look TV. Very practical and natural. And our little private funeral was no big deal, but familiar and nice. But as a member of the Tannheimer village community you just have to follow the "rules".
Julia and Niki are are already planning on how they might be able to arrange for me to "land" under Emy's and Brita's tree :-) When time comes. I'm definetely NOT in a hurry :-)