Tea is not just tea, and beer is not just beer - 4 different kinds of beer and 4 different kinds of tea (at Willow Teahouse in Glasgow)

Life is back to normal and we have started with things that have to be done in and around the house, now and then; we chop wood, clean hidden corners (with my brandnew little steamcleaner), paint, improve hidden and unhidden corners of house and barns and if we may believe the weatherforecast we will be able to start part two of the haymaking season tomorrow.
This summer, I have also, once more, tried my skills as gardener. Unsuccessfully, as usual. After picking out everything that didn't look edible there was a big potato plant left (some leftover from last year I guess - or the year before last year....) , along with the rhubarb and some leaves growing in a row, that I would like to believe is spinach, which I did put in and one very small saladplant. Together with some tiny things that didn't look tike the common weed - maybe parsley..... Todays crop, anyhow, was a bucket full of weed. But I won't give up! I promise :-)
Back home!
Monday afternoon we got back home after our Scotland odysée, lots of rough hill, ales, lagers and stouts, castles, sheep, cooked breakfasts, more sheep. And bagpipes, of course :-)
We had a really good time!
Scotland ahoy!
Last weekend Linda popped over, from Munich. That was very nice, indeed :-)

Well, July 25 we will be back from the Highlands, hopefully with some good whisky in the luggage. Such operations have to be planned carefully, travelling with Ryan Air........ :-)
Tannheim - Innsbruck

Then we all went home to the Höttingergasse, together, where I fell asleep, very satisfied with my day. And myself :-)

Look! Clearcut fields on the slopes behind our house! The result of our doings for the last two weeks or so is 18 waggonloads of first class hay, 4 huge round bales, suntanned bodies, 2 sold mopeds ( at least the guy promised to come and get them next week....), a sheep lady with treated toothache, a vaccinated dog, a flight booked to Edinburgh, hotel booked, a castle booked and some other things done; some work, some small MTB tours, two midsummerparties and one Schmiedener Street Party, lots of eaten icecream etc, etc.
The plan for tomorrow is, for Julias part, to go to her university and have her last (hopefully) two exams for the summerterm. Niki and I plan to ride our bikes to Innsbruck via the old Via Claudia over Fernpass. Unless it doesn't rain tomorrow morning, wich it shouldn,t. But you never know, as you know! I'm not sure if my hind part will be very Yippeee after 130 km but sometimes you have to suffer a little and test the limits. I think it's going to be fun! If I reach Innsbruck succesfully I'll buy myself a caipirinha at the Beach Club :-)
A couple of hours ago I came home with the kids. Kids? Niki is 20 and Julia 21... Big kids, in that case :-) I guess, for me they will always be the kids. Like I'll always be Mamma.
I "cooked" a big bowl of salad, reached with chickenbreasts. Standard friday afternoon food. Fast and easy, as I like it. It's even good! Thereafter, the first thing Julia always does, is to go for a ride. Sometimes together with me, on the little brown one. Nikis first way, is to check out his sheep. Pontiac jumps around like crazy with a ball in his mouth, and wants to play.
Weather is still windy, cold and wet but tomorrow we will actually start haying. Emil has been busy with preparing all machines, today. YIPPEEEE! Then, we really are promised summer for three whole days. WOW!
Innsbruck was warm. Julia and Niki came home dressed only in T-shirts and bermudas. Freezing :-) Will they ever learn? And I went to Innsbruck this morning, dressed in jeans, long sleeves and fleece. Sweating! Will I ever learn???
Now it's raining again. Will do some cleaning and baking (only cause of the cakebakescent, of course...) and instead of riding the bike up to the top of Emil mountain; I'll but the bike on the rolls and bike on the porch. I got very wet yesterday while hiking with Mr. Sattmann. (that was the lunchrain - short, but very wet!) Don't need it two days in row.
Next week we have hope of sunny, dry summerweather. Hayingweather!!!! In that case: YIPEEEE!!!! Because after haying is Scotland on the programm! YIPPEEEEE! in that case....

The white one's new, andalucian style, "headset"
Glas Midsommar!!!! everybody out there :-)
I had my hair cut yesterday. "Summerhairdo". Happens twice a year.

We have summer once a week. Last week it was wednesday. Coming week summer is on tuesday, if one my believe the weatherforecast.
Yesterday the weather was even worse - rain and storm all day long. Real cooking and baking weather: Spaghetti Bolognese - one of the few dishes I'm good at:

PS Our Innsbruck mini holiday was great! With STOMP (organized noise), good food on a terrace next to the river Inn, and even some successful shopping. And we visited Emil cousin, an architect who has a wonderful home ( if you like it green) just above Innsbruck, in a steep slope. It was like in a jungle where you can pick fruits from the porch.
Loooong weekend

Today, monday was a little bit sad; Knatte-nin "died". I helped her a little bit with a hammer :-)
Well, I'm kind of in a hurry. I intend to spend the with Julia, watching some innocent, funny, nice lovestory on television. We're alone at home; Niki just left for nightduty at the Red Cross and Emil is gone with a bunch of other Schmiedener guys to look at a woodchopping machine. The farmer community of Schmieden intend to buy a real BIG one.

Good night, Niki!

I love my kitchen! I don't necessarily love to cook, but to make it more funny I bought this yellow frying pan yesterday. You don't need any kind of fat for fry anything, we were told. But if anybody (except me) ever tried to make a wiener schnitzel without oil, you'll find out that it tastes like NOTHING! It works, yes, with a few drops of water, but it's not really tasty. So I made the rest, with FAT. But it works just fine with pancakes, I found out yesterday.
And - I took the motorbike to Füssen to get my hands on some culture for the family: 4 tickets for Nabucco in August. Made an extra trip, before they get sold out.
And every day I absolve at least one cleaning unit, to soothe my housewifeconscience. Today I cleaned the oven. It looks like new, inside and outside, now. And I baked breakfastcrackers :-)
As you understand ( I hope) I'm having a good time!
The weather is a little weered, like a rainperiod; sun in the morning and evening, at noon the rain starts, accomapnied by thunder, mostly. Sometimes hail. Hope it will give in sun, because we want to make HAY!!!!
PS Actually I wanted to show the world my midlifecrisesoutfit, but the camerabattery is on loading...... Soooo sorry!

The cake. We came to the conclusion that this would be the last cake with candles. Many candles, at least.

Unpacking his third book and still smiling.....

Lamb number 2. Number 3 looks just the same, only smaller.
And yes, we had the sheep sheared as well, last week. That's spring; you do a lot of things, that you only can, or want to, do exactly this time of year. It's a fast season. And I almost forgot, we've put up lot of fences. And painted a little on the house. And cleaned all the windows. I waited until we got some more snow that cleaned the air from pollen. Made everything green and yellow, out there. Pollution!?

Short winterintermezzo about 10 days ago. "Our lake" - Vilsalpsee.
Now we have summer again, althoug it's raining, but rain belongs to a green summer.
(hope I got it right!?)
Luckily I don't have one! The fear of friday the 13th. Nice word, isn't it?! Niki found it in the newspaper for me. Good son :-) On the contrary, my friday 13th, today, was a very nice day; I went to Innsbruck got pick up JuNi (to bring them the car) and then we went straight to Füssen to have a nice drink in the sun with LINDA!!!!! In fact, it was a top secret intelligence meeting, but don't tell anybody! I was undercover, dressed as a 52 years old female in a severe midlifecrisis; JuNi found my new trousers embarrasing, Linda spontanously said the looked good. Maybe she was only polite...... (but - thanks, Linda). She said, she was used to that look from her father..............
I better change topic!!!! It's spring. In spring the sheep get babies. Number one (out of expected three) popped out on wednesday.

Still a little bit shy, hiding behind his mum.
About stations

more or less high-tech, and so do we.
Our is definitively less, but we got it delivered for free, with our new farm GAS-STATION. "Jeen's Tanke" Very popular in the rural part's of this country :-) And I guess, also in rural parts of other countries with far too high prices for gas and diesel. We had it filled up today. 1000 litres. Haven't seen the bill yet, though............
A short one
Today is monday. Yesterday was sunday! ( Who could have guessed............?????????) Emil is cured from his cold, and has now changed his krankenstand into urlaub. Holiday, on could say. Working holidays, in Emils case.
Today we went to Kempten and bought an electric bike for Emil senior. E-bike. Very popular. Then we bought a birthday gift for Niki. (You can never guess what, Niki!)( But it is NOT a Corvette Stingray!)
The weather is so la la. Still too cold for flowers on the balcony. My knee is getting better day by day. Train 3 x a week in "Pete Peppers" gym. And at home. And with my bike. Is fun!
(The family in Munich, the other week)
And I fight to get rid of 2 kilos surplus....... Grrrrrrrr!!!
Nu är glada pasken slut, slut, slut.....

Katt Halifax's tunga hänger oxo alltid ut!
We had a nice and easygoing easter weekend; no church, no visits, only the usual paperbackeggs filled with sweets. My egg is dated 1960, Julia has inherited Britas egg, Emil has a newer version of a second egg of mine and Niki, solemnly, has a notalreadyused egg dated 1992, bought in Bastad. I like things with history. We all do, actually. Except maybe Emil......
Now I will take a little brake and do some carpet exercise in front of the TV and enjoy Daniela Katzenberger. She's funny! Anybody knows her? Would like to hear somebody's opinion, in that case :-) On VOX.
Now then - 200 situps later; Saturday it was still warm, and Julia, Niki, Pontiac, I and an applepie with vanillacauce went (rode) up to Emil to the top of his mountain, where he was on duty. (Skiseason finished, hikingseason just opened up). This was the result:
O, sorry! No picture today, still in the camera. Maybe tomorrow. But it was a very nice pic-nic!
My knee is getting better with every day. I ride my bike, walk some and try to be patient and officially I'm totally recovered from today on, Doc Pfefferkorn told me, and the knee looks just fine.
Niki took the car to Innsbruck today (all on his little own!) because he's got lectures Wednesday and Thursday. The houseowner allowed him to park the car in his precious yard, for two days. To Park a car in the vicinity of Julias and Nikis flat in Hötting/Innsbruck is not so easy. If you want to park longer than 2 hours, that is.
Little rabbit Knatte is getting old and can't hop around anymore, so I have to take special care of her and so I recycled a trampolin and made a roundpen for rabbits, out of if. I felt very creative afterward :-)
I have a certain feeling I write RUBBISH today (I mean more rubbish than normal). By the way - I was into severe foodproduction to day, again. Hare. Very good. Cooked in redwine and juniper. Mamma would have been proud of me, for a change :-). Poor Emil couldn't really enjoy the meal, because he's got a cold. A real cold, with fever and cough. And antibiotica. So I guess he'll get well soon.
Apropos soon. Look at our aprilmorning moon!

Tomorrow I plan some cleaning activities (as I'm officially declared capable of working), some spoiling a poor houseband, I'll get kneepyhsio and the blacksmith will come and put new horseshoes on the 8 hooves, we've got in the backyard. And the day after tomorrow I'll go for a nice ride with Julia - it's been a long time since.

How do you express it in english? Happy easter? Sounds silly, to me. Joyeux paques, sounds good, although I'm not sure the spelling is original....?! How to wish swedish people a happy eggandcockorrabbitweekend is known to me, but it does for sure not look good written, with a german keybord where essential letters are missing. But I'm sure all (all????) readers, by now, got the message :-)))))
We have wonderful weather! What else!? But I, like most other people around, are slightly worried; are our stock of sunny days for 2011 already used up soon? None left for the summer?? Heck - we can't change it anyways, so we just enjoy itI A waste of thouhgt thinking about such things...... (silly me!!!)
My knee is getting better day by day, I returned my cruches to the hospital on wednesday and started riding the bicycle instead. Much better and faster, Pontiac agreed with.
Wednesday was also the day we made a journey. A day trip to Munich with the train from Garmisch. Takes 1,5 hours and costs 31 bananas for the four of us + dog, including as much bus and underground you can ride. As I remember only parking in Munich cost about the same sum and without paying toll, you're not allowed to drive into town anyhow. We had a very nice and slow day with lot's of good food and some good drinks and some icecream and even little bit of shopping. And lots of windowshopping.
At home life is rolling along. I cook more than usual, as that's more or less the only thing I can do. Except biking with the dog. Julia goes for a ride everyday. Mostly horseride, sometimes bikerides. Niki's bicycle gets around a little more and a little bit faster. But Julia is running more. Jogging.
Emil is working. And working. And working. And after work, after dinner, he works again. At home. And works. Hope he finds my bicycle, because it's got a flat and the chain needs to be oiled..... :-)

This is the old door, where Emil has gone in and out all his life:

This is what it looks without door at all. Two weeks ago, this was, with a little remain of snow on the lawn. Moutains are still white, grass greener - after a white intermezzo thursday morning.

And now - I proudly introduce our new door, where friends and relations (as Winne the Pooh would express it) are welcome to step through:

It's handmade by Emils brother Norbert and unique, made outof Tyrolean and Siberian larchwood. The siberian(darker) is slower growing and more dense than the tyrolean. When we get the isolation ready and painted, around the door it will of course look much nicer. We intend to leave this door as it is, natural - but who knows, if we some day miss the coulourful housefront and paint it.......
Well, this happend two weeks ago. Last week I got my knee pimped and after one week on cruches I am allowed to walk shorter distances without, since yesterday. Wonderful! After findíng my toes I have now got my two hands back! It's wonderful to be able to carry a cup of coffee all the way to the computer again :-) ( I was really forced to get me a bottle of beer, last week, to have something nice to drink here, as I could only carry tight closed bottles!) Everybody who has ever spent some time using both hands for walking, knows about the logistic problems that all of a a sudden turn up. And you need 10 minutes for chores that you usually manage in 1 minutes. Frustrating! But now I'm lucky with toes, arms and a second knee getting better with everyday :-)
Julia and Niki are having Easter break for 2-3 weeks from today. Niki somewhat shorter. Pontiac is very lucky to have somebody around again, that can move faster than me, at the moment.

Now it's done; Dr Druml took the screw out and pimped my knee! Tuesday morning. I was able to look at the inside of my knee on a monitor, but luckily not able to see the men at work from outside. The inside looked clean and theoritic and I didn't really put it in connection with my body. To wake up from a general anaesthesy, though, is far more pleasant then waiting for hours to get the feeling back from the stomach downwards. Then I staid two more nights in hospital in a room with two snoring ladies. I considered to ask to be moved to another room, but the decided to stay, as our room was very cool and nice with open windows 24 hours. So I listened to radio Ö3 all night, pressing the headphones to my ears and wipping the tact with my toes, that I could luckily move again. It's a very nice thing, to be able to move the toes, I found out that day, and it's a totally new and greatful feeling knowing you can do so....... - then I slept during the day instead. Yesterday morning I rot red cruches and got the car from the parking, after I told Dr. Druml that, of course, my houseband will come and pick me up. Went to the supermarket and then home. Home sweet home :-)
This morning I went to my dear physiotherapist, Pete Pepper, then to Innsbruck. "Uncle Gebi", my brother in law, picked up grandOpa from hospital meanwhile, so now the family is comlete again.